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Hackers claim to steal personal data of over a billion people in China

Hackers have reportedly stolen the data of around 1 billion Chinese citizens from a Shanghai police database, in what experts are calling the largest cyber security breach in the country’s history. The unidentified attackers, who have claimed they are responsible for the attack, have offered to sell over 23 terabytes of stolen data, as reported [&hellip The post Hackers claim to steal personal data of over a billion people in China appeared first on


Yet another FaZe Clan member kicked out for abusive language

FaZe Clan member Cented has been booted out for using discriminatory language. A clip of Cented using the N word has surfaced online, leading to the ban. "FaZe is constantly evolving and we expect our members to do the same," reads a statement on Twitter from the group. Read more


Twitter bans over 46,000 Indian accounts! Know what you should not post

Twitter banned more than 46,000 Indian accounts in the month of May 2022. Find all the details here.


Apple Watch 8 health sensor upgrade ‘is a go’

The Apple Watch 8 is tipped to get the first new health sensor since the Series 6’s blood oxygen monitor.


Summer Games Done Quick 2022 nets more than $3 million for charity

Annual speedrunning event Summer Games Done Quick has raised more than $3 million (£2.5 million) for the charity Doctors Without Borders. SGDQ drew to a close yesterday with an All Remembrances run of Elden Ring on PC, followed by a shorter bonus Any% run of the game to cap things off. You can watch HYP3RSOMNIAC take on FromSoft’s latest in just half an hour in the video below. Read more


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