natural vitamin e as a preservative

natural vitamin e as a preservative

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Natural Vitamin E As A Preservative


Beauty 101International OrdersMail Order FormOur StoryPrivacy & Security PolicyReturn PolicyShipping InformationSite MapThe Truth About Preservatives Including Grapefruit Seed Extract and ParabensAlthough some may say no preservatives are the best choice, here’s a list of the most popular natural preservatives used today.  Some you might have heard of before, others you might have no idea what they could be used for. Neem Oil – Neem is one of the most powerful oils on the market today. It has been used in India since the time of Sanskrit. Today it is recognized as an all around oil. It is anti-fungal, anti-bacterial as well as anti-protozoan and a spermicide. Salt (sodium chloride) – most people have heard of Smithfield Hams. These hams can last forever because they are salt-cured. Salt has been used since ancient times particularly for meat, as a preservative. The salt enters the tissue and in effect binds the water, inhibiting the bacterium that causes spoilage. The salt restricts to tiny concentration and protects food from yeasts and molds.

It draws out moisture and creates an environment inhospitable to bacteria. Sugar (carbohydrates) – this organic compound, may be either refined (white) or raw (brown) and has a variety of names. It is used as a natural preservative inhibiting bacterial growth after food or products have been heated. Lemon – it is part of the Rutaceae family also known as a citrus fruit. Lemons are grown in the milder regions and can be from 30 to 45 percent juice depending on type and climate. The acid produced mostly by the citrus and identified as C6H8O7 promotes preservation. The lemon is rich in Vitamin C and much like salt removes moisture to prevent spoilage and rotting. Honey – is known for being highly stable against microbial growth because of it’s low moisture content and water activity, low pH and anti-microbial constituents. Bee Propolis – is a mixture of beeswax and resins collected by the honeybee from plants, particularly flowers and leaf buds, it is used to line and seal the comb.

The propolis is effective in protecting the hive offering both antibacterial and antifungal properties. The Greeks and Romans used propolis to heal skin abscesses and through the centuries its use in medicine has received varying attention. The ancient Egyptians also knew its’ benefits and it is still used in Africa today, as a medicine, an adhesive for tuning drums, sealing cracked water containers or canoes and dozens of other purposes. Rosemary Extract  – helps against aging processes, such as browning, thickening and wrinkling; and melanoma and other skin cancers are thought to be accelerated by the accumulation of peroxides in the skin tissues. These peroxides are produced by environmental factors such as heat and ultra-violet radiation from sunlight, a primary cause of sunburn and melanoma. In a study conducted to test photoprotectivity, it was discovered that Carnosic acid (found in Rosemary) did protect the skin from UV damage. [3] This evidence is further corroborated in expired US patents 5,358,752, which show in the examples complete elimination of peroxides as a result of UVB radiation.

Rosemary also has a history of anti-bacterial and anti-microbial applications. One study found it to be effective against HIV-1 [4] Grapefruit Seed Extract : A natural antibiotic, antiseptic, disinfectant and preservative. It is used to promote the healing of almost any atypical skin condition. According to published sources it is effective against more than 800 bacterial and viral organisms, 100 strains of fungus, and a large number of single-cell and multi-celled parasites. This preservative is used by many handcrafters in products that contain water. Citric acid – t’s an acid, flavoring, chelating agent: ice cream, sherbet, fruit drink, candy, carbonated beverages, instant potatoes. It is versatile, widely used, cheap and safe. iT is an important metabolite in virtually all living organisms and is especially abundant  naturally in citrus fruits and berries. It is used an a strong acid, a tart flavoring and an antioxidant. Alpha tocopherol (also known as vitamin E) – it’s an antioxidant and nutrient.

Vitamin E is abundant in whole wheat, rice germ, and vegetable oils. It is destroyed by the refining and bleaching of flour. Vitamin E is used because it prevents oils from going rancid. Recent studies indicate that large amounts of Vitamin E may help reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer. Be aware that there is a synthetic on the market called variously Tocopherol, Alpha Tocopherol and /or Tocopherol Acetate. Potassium Sorbate – effectively preserves against mold and yeast, it is not useful for protecting products from bacteria. it is also not effective at all in products with a pH over 6, which most lotions are. While potassium sorbet is found in nature, any available today would have been synthetically made so it is not all-natural. It is also believed to cause contact dermatitis. Natural preservatives are considered safer by many because they have always existed in nature and our immune systems are used to them. Most of the preservatives that come from a plant source are safe for humans.

The main disagreement when it comes down to the use of natural preservatives in cosmetics is that they are not powerful enough. This may be true but, it does not mean that because of this more chemical or synthetic preservatives need to be used.Thank you for supporting this site with purchases made through links in this article. Plus I'll send you a free copy of "Your Simply Healthy Handbook." It's your #1 resource to make healthy living easy. I really never thought I’d be writing so many posts about homemade beauty products. I mean, I had a hard enough time learning how to make my own food from scratch. Who knew “from scratch” cosmetics were in my future. Of course, my desire for safer cosmetics and products in my home has fueled this new hobby of mine. I feel good knowing that I’m avoiding things that have been linked to cancer, infertility, and other icky stuff. But it made me wonder: Are homemade beauty products really safe? In terms of the ingredients, I’d choose my recipes over store bought stuff any day.

According to the EWG, only 11 percent of cosmetic ingredients have been tested for safety by the cosmetic industry. Does that scare anyone else? But it’s important to keep in mind that some of the very ingredients we are trying to avoid in our homemade beauty products are the very things that could put our innocent cosmetics in a danger zone. Without the chemical preservatives that are found in store-bought beauty items, our homemade beauty products are at risk for growing bacteria. You just need to be smart about it. Here are six important tips to help you keep things safe. Minimize contamination potential by choosing your packaging carefully. Dispensing bottles are better than open mouth jars. If using old containers, be sure to sterilize and dry completely before reusing. Avoid touching products like lip balm with your fingers. Try instead using a cotton swab or a hands-free container (like this). Direct sunlight and UV rays, oxygen, heat, moisture and bacteria from your fingers can all be detrimental to your products.

Keep your products in dark containers or in dark cabinets to avoid light. If you are using a recipe that has food in it (like the avocado butter mask above), just stick to a single batch. Don’t make anymore than what you can use at a single time. Some homemade beauty products with food in them can last a week if stored in the fridge. Non-food products will vary based on the ingredients, but all homemade beauty products will not last as long as their commercial counterparts. For some products the shelf life may be as little as two weeks unless you store it in your fridge or add a natural preservative. This is the kind of advice your mom would give, but it’s true. If something seems fishy (or smells fishy), just let it go. Bacteria loves a wet environment. Use clean dry hands when putting on lotion, lip balm, or other products that require hand application. For things like homemade body spray, use distilled water and mix in a clean environment. An addition of a natural preservative or refrigerator storage is recommended.

Here are some considerations to help your beauty products last longer: Antioxidants are natural preservatives that reduces the rate of oxidation (which is what makes oils go rancid). You can add antioxidants directly to your oils to help keep them fresh, or you can add the antioxidant to the oil phase of your recipe. Antioxidants are perfect for formulas that contain fragile oils like avocado, sweet almond, or evening primrose. Lip balms, lotion bars, creams, lotions, scrubs and any other product containing oils can benefit from the addition of an antioxidant. When to use and what to consider: Anti-Microbials help destroy unwanted bacteria and can extend the shelf life of your homemade beauty products. Here are some natural anti-microbials: Keep in mind that your homemade products are still a healthier alternative to commercial products, as long as you are smart about how you use and store them. For me, the ultimate goal is not to replace every old commercial product with a new one.

It’s about simplifying my life so that all I need is a few essentials. I can make room in my fridge, work in small batches, or be sure to add some natural preservatives to keep them safe. The internet is full of natural tutorials these days. The only problems is finding the tried-and-true recipes and keeping them all organized in one place. That’s why I created the ultimate guide to non-toxic living. My ebook, All Natural Living has 75 non-toxic recipes. You’ll find recipes for hair care, makeup, personal care products, cleaning products and more. It also walks you through the best first steps and provides insights on the must-have ingredients. Needless to say, it’s a super handy guide to have nearby. The DIY revolution can save you cash and keep your home super healthy. So stop wasting time and money and grab your copy right now. Click here to check it out. Did I leave anything out? Share your thoughts, questions, or experiences on homemade beauty product safety in the comments.

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