


People who willingly take the so-called "Vaccine" against COVID-19, may be turning themselves into someone else's Patentable property by willingly allowing the alteration of their DNA into a “new and useful . . . composition of matter."

The United States Supreme Court set the precedent in the case ASSOCIATION FOR MOLECULAR PATHOLOGY ET AL. v. MYRIAD GENETICS, INC., ET AL. 

wherein the court Held:

"A naturally occurring DNA segment is a product of nature and not patent eligible merely because it has been isolated, but cDNA is patent eligible because it is not naturally occurring."

 In setting this precedent, the court found that each human gene is encoded as deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), which takes the shape of a “double helix.” Each “cross-bar” in that helix consists of two chemically joined nucleotides. Sequences of DNA nucleotides contain the information necessary to create strings of amino acids used to build proteins in the body. The nucleotides that code for amino acids are “exons,” and those that do not are “introns.” Scientists can extract DNA from cells to isolate specific segments for study. They can also synthetically create exons-only strands of nucleotides known as complementary DNA (cDNA). cDNA contains only the exons that occur in DNA, omitting the intervening introns. 

Acknowledging that scientists can synthetically create what the court called "complementary DNA" the court held that such creations are "patent eligible" because they are not naturally occurring.

Which leads us all to the new COVID-19 "vaccines."

These vaccines do NOT contain live virus, or attenuated virus, or even recombinant DNA virus like all other vaccines in history.  Instead, these new COVID-19 "vaccines" contain "messenger RNA" which, when it enters a human body, begins altering DNA, telling it how to manufacture spike proteins (found on the COVID virus) with the idea that this will "teach" a human body how to fight off COVID.

This alteration of human DNA is a "new and useful . . . composition of matter" which is patentable by its creator.

So if you VOLUNTARILY took one of the COVID vaccines, might you now be "ownable" by the creator of the vaccine?  After all, that company's vaccine "created" what is (now) your DNA. 

That legal question has NOT been settled.

It is interesting, however, that the question is now arising.  What if the companies whose vaccine you took, decide they own you?  What if they argue that you agreed to this modification of your DNA when you took their "vaccine" and as such, you belong to them now?

More importantly for some people is another aspect of this situation: If your DNA is now altered, are you still even "human?" Do you still have "human rights?"   Or are you a "Genetically Modified Organism" which is the property of its creator, with no human rights?

None of these legal questions have been settled either.

Of course, among religious people (like myself) who believe in God, will God even recognize these GMO Humans as his own?  Have they now taken "the mark of the Beast" written about in the Book of Revelations in the Bible? 

Given the reality that many are now demanding the "un-vax'd" be prevented from working, going to stores (buying or selling), unless they have the "vax" (i.e. the mark?) one can be forgiven if one sees the eerie similarities between the Vax and the Mark of the Beast.

In any case, here is the US Supreme Court case which set precedent about how DNA can be patented.

 Direct Link to US Supreme Court Web Site Case Ruling HERE 

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