


The corrupt Washington, DC Metro Police Department is trying to pull a fast-one; they're placing signs on street lamp posts banning "ALL" Firearms from January 4 through 7 when American citizens are coming to town to confront Congress against adopting fraudulent Electors from the Nov. 3 election, and completing the THEFT of the Presidency; but the notice cites a local city ordinance that applies ONLY to "Licensed Pistols" and makes no mention of rifles or shotguns.  

It is widely known and understood that the Washington DC Metro Police upper echelons are thoroughly corrupt; they HAVE to be in order to get promotions in a city run by thug Democrats who helped STEAL the Nov. 3 Presidential Election. Birds-of-a-feather . . .

Here is a photo of the notices being placed in DC:


This trashy attempt to use a law in a way it does not apply is typical of the sub-human trash infesting the government of the City of Washington, DC.  Most of the elected officials and "high-ranking" people employed by Washington, DC have an IQ of less than 80; meaning they're classified as "Retarded" on a scale of Intelligence Quotients.  But, given the city itself is infested with a majority of such retards as its population, it is not unexpected the city government is, well, retarded.

Earlier this weekend, that political trashy "ordered" the closing of all restaurants, gas stations and hotels in an effort to prevent accommodations for the hundreds of thousands of Americans coming to that city too.   Of course, none of those businesses are OWNED by the city government, and so thos ebusinesses are not the government;'s to "order" closed.   But when you have retarded sub-humans like the Washington DC Mayor, exercising power, reality, private property rights and most everything else, go right out the window.

Here's a photo of Mayor Muriel Bowser; note the "deer-in-the-headlights" expression when she tries to wrap her small mind around something she doesn't understand (like . . . liberty):


The neurons just don't seem to fire fast enough, or in sufficient quantity for her type to grasp certain things.  Alas . . .

If any of you can find the words Rifle or Shotgun in the ordinance above, please let us know.  

If any of you can find a section which allows the banning of "ALL" firearms in the ordinance above, please tell us about that, too.

The law they cite deals with pistols, not rifles.  But they're deliberately misrepresenting the law as if it applies to "ALL FIREARMS" which it clearly does not.

Just another thuggish effort by thuggish Democrats to seal the deal on the election their Party has stolen on behalf of Chinese Communists, to the betrayal; of our nation.

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