My Love

My Love

cheline zamore
my boyfie

Dava is my boyfriend name, words can't explain how much i love him. Dava made me fall in love with him in a few days because of his personality, he's so sweet, care, mature, funny and cute at the same time hahaha. I can tell everything and be my self when i'm with him and Dava too so there is no lie between us.

My boyfriend said i don't need to insecure because i'm the most beautiful girl, i'm very touched because i never heard that word before i met him. I'm very lucky to have him in my life, after i met him my friends said that i'm very cheerfull and happy so that's mean Dava change everything


My heart is the ocean, full of colors, depths, and dreams. dava can easily dive into my waters, get lost in my arms, and quench your thirst of grace and love. My heart is the ocean. Your ocean dava.

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