6- regarding the external interscostal muscle all true except:

a) forms the most superficial layer

b) it's fibers are directed downward and forward 

c) extends from the inferior border of the rib above to the superior border of the rib below 

d)the muscle extends forward to the costal cartilage where it's replaced by an aponeurosis, the posterior( internal) interscostal membrane

7- regarding Rectus abdominis muscle 

All true except:

a) long strap muscle extended along anterior abdominal surface

b) it insert in 5,6,7th coastal cartilage and xiphoid 

c) the posterior surface crossed by three tendinous 

d) arise by two heads from symphysis pupis and pubic crest

8-the proccess of hyaline cartilage histogensis include one for the following:

a) interstitial growth from pre existing chondroblast

b) Appositonal growth from chondrognic cell in the perichondrium

c) interstitial growth from pre existing fibroblast 

d) appositional growth from chondrocyte in the perichondrium 

9-osteocyte in the lamellar bone: 

a) communicate with each other via desmosome junction 

b)communicate with each other via gab junction 

c)communicate with each other via hemidesmosome junction 

d) communicate with each other via tight junction 

10- regarding the triad...: 

a) present in the A-I junction in mammalian cardiac muscle 

b) present in the Z line in mammalian skeletal muscle 

c) present in the A-I junction in the mammalian skeletal muscle

d) present in the H zone in the mammalian skeletal muscle

11-Merkel cells are present in :

A) small numbers in the stratum basale, near area of avasculrized, richly innervated connective tissue 

b) large numbers in the stratum basale , near area of well vasculrized richly innervated connective tissue 

C) small numbers in the stratum basale, near area of well vasculrized richly innervated connective tissue 

D) large numbers in the stratum basale, near area of well vasculrized, richly innervated connective tissue

12-45-years old women was complaining from joint pain and swelling in her right knee joint for several weeks. She was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis :

a_Immune complex mediated reaction 

b_Antiybody act as opsonization and phagocytosis by macrophages 

c_Macrophag stimulate and phagocytes the antigen 

d_ Mast cell mediate release of vasoactive amines

13-calcium phosphate deposit in ............... and become mineralized

a. Osteoblast 

b. Osteoclast

c. Osteocyte

d. Osteoid

14) What cause of rickets

  * A)Ca deficiency 

  * B)D deficiency 

  * C)PTH

15-acute phase of trichinosis

a. Diarrhea facial odema eye .....

b. Hyper sensitivity to light fever abdominal cramps 

c. Nausea fatigue abdominal cramps

d. Facial odema fever

12. In the healing of the bone the bone marrow cavity occur in 

1-internal callus 




16-implanted hip joint can be hematogenous spread through ?

a)streptococcus B and نسيت

b)hemophilis influenza 


 d) mycoplasma

17- streptococcus pyogens

A- one of its virulence factors is protein W

B- causes osteomyelitis after cat bites

C- gram positive cocci singly or in a long chain

D- commonest cause of suppurative arthritis

18- mycobacterium leprae

A- gram negative , cocci , grape-like cluster

B- hensen’s disease

C- uncommon cause of septic arthritis 

D- common cause of aseptic arthritis 

19- clostridium perfringes

A- anaerobic , gram negative spore forming 

B- causes respiratory tract infection 

C- normal flora of mouth in many domestic animals 

D- causes histotoxic ( tissue destructing infection ) 

Myonecrosis , gas gangrene, food poisoning 

20- symptoms of trichinellosis in acute phase

A- facial swelling , unexplained rash 

B- sensitivity to light

C- nausea , diarrhea , abdominal cramps

D- persistent eye infection , facial swelling

22. In osteoarthritis the joint mice mean 

a-osteophytes fragmented 

b-piece of subcondral and bone 

c-smoothened of bone 


23. Regarding paget disease 

1-decrease bone mass 

2-has known etiology

3-thick trabeculae and lammaller bone 

24. Basal cell carcinoma (true) 

a-arise from superficial


a-rapidly metastasize 

b-rarely recurs


25. Diuretic that does not lead to gout :-


Non-specific NSAID cause :- 

D- more bleeding

26. One of these drug is not a spasmolytic :- 

D- methocarbamol

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