mr gold lego series

mr gold lego series

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Mr Gold Lego Series


Calling all Lego fans….round up, round up! Series 10 of the blind bag Lego minifigures have finally been released, and what a mix of characters we have in this set! With 16 new characters for us Lego maniacs to find and collect in their metallic gold packets, series 10 promises not to disappoint! Series 10 includes a: Without a doubt, the Medusa is by far the standout minifigure in this particular series. The sheer size of this figure makes it entirely unique; the mythical creature’s tail is extremely large and curled. With great aesthetic qualities comes great rarity however, with the boxes of minifigs only having two packets containing this great figure. My other personal favourite from Series 10 includes the Sad Clown; monochrome and noir like, the Sad Clown joins the clown family already consisting of the red-wigged, toy-horn-holding clown from series 1, and the small, bowler-hat-wearing, pie-wielding clown figure of series 5. Another figure which, I’ve got to confess, didn’t particularly strike me as much at first, is that of the tattooed motorcycle mechanic.

With his handlebar moustache, aviator shades and denim waistcoat/vest combo, he looks like he had a starring role in the Village People’s ‘YMCA’ music video. The amazing thing about this figure that really struck me are his fine, detailed aesthetic qualities; he possesses a skull belt buckle, a chain on his jeans, a flame tattoo, and the stitching on his jean pockets are a small touch, yet show the level of detail that designers have considered when creating these minifigures. The animal characters from the Lego minifigure series never fail to impress me. The Bumblebee minifigure from this series is seriously cute. Her little honey pot with a bee illustrated on it looks like it’s been directly lifted from an A.A Milne illustration from a Winnie the Pooh tale, and the rubber headpiece fully equipped with antennas rounds the figure off completely. She joins the following animal creatures from previous series; the bunny rabbit, the chicken, the gorilla, and the dinosaur. This series really starts to bring together figures from previous series and creates little families of figures.

As previously mentioned, we have the clown family and the animal characters, but with this series, we also see a match between the Baseball Fielder and the Baseball Player from series 3; the Sea Captain joins the winking Sailor from series 4, the Librarian bears a resemblance to the fellow geek in the form of the Computer Programmer from series 7, and the Roman Soldier, Tomahawk Warrior and Warrior Princess, joins the ranks of the historic fighting force. Admittedly, this is a really fun series with an impressive range of minifigures, however, some of the characters look frightfully familiar. Let’s take the Librarian girl; all ‘The Big Bang Theory’ fans out there can’t deny the uncanny similarities between Amy Farrah Fowler and the female Librarian figure in this set. They are essentially doppelgangers! The Sea Captain figure undoubtedly bears a resemblance to our favourite fish finger provider, the one and only Captain Birdseye himself. Additionally, the Woman Warrior minifigure looks like she’s been directly copied from my favourite childhood warrior princess, Xena… and last but by no means least, how can we not mention the Paris Hilton/Elle from Legally Blonde character, fully equipped with a ‘cell phone’ and her very own pet Chihuahua.

As a very special way to celebrate the 10th successful series of the Lego minifigures collection, Lego have been very, very Willy Wonka-esque. In just 5000 packets of series 10 minifigures, they have hidden a SUPER RARE figure called Mr Gold. Unlike finding a golden ticket and gaining entry to the mysterious Wonka factory, the golden minifigure is far superior in my opinion. This figure alone is selling for £500 plus on the likes of Ebay at the moment, and I can’t see that price decreasing any time soon! Mr Gold, is, not surprisingly, made out of a metallic gold plastic; he comes equipped with a top hat and a pimp-like-cane topped with a plastic jewel. Is it really worth £500 you ask? Well, keep yourself entertained by looking at the sheer amount of people bidding on them and who are, quite frankly, willing to part with a small fortune on them and you will find the answer my friends! It seems that keen Lego minifigure collectors are doing anything to get their hands on them! At only £1.99 a packet, why don’t you grab a few and see which characters you get!

You never know, you may even find the very rare, elusive Mr Gold! “It’s not a LEGO MAN, it’s a minifig,” Lego collectors whine in unison, and they’re technically right. It’s a $900 Lego minifig, which, despite the name, is not made out of gold. It’s made of plastic, like almost every other Lego piece. These were randomly distributed in packages of normal pieces, and resellers are scalping them for high prices. My main reason for writing about it here, though, is the reviews obviously left by children. “horrable,” one writes, “bull garbage.the thing is bush legue .” Another review, titled “dumd stupid,” adds: “it is not worth 999 dollers do not buy.” What is a Pop Badge? A Pop Badge is exactly that… a badge that pops right on to a lanyard or shirt! These limited-edition collectible badges will be made available on select days and events during the year. Each time they will be introduced with fun new designs! Once you have collected the badges you can proudly wear them on your clothes or on an official LEGOLAND® California Resort lanyard.

How do I collect my Pop Badge? Pop Badges introduce a whole new adventure to the LEGOLAND experience! Upon arrival on any of the select Pop Badge Challenge days guests will receive a booklet with fun activities and challenges. Complete the booklet and you will be rewarded with your very own set of limited-edition Pop Badges! Don’t miss out as they will be issued on a first come first served basis. When are the Pop Badge Challenges taking place? The first limited-edition Pop Badges were released on March 19-20, 2016. The next Pop Badge Challenge begins Friday, June 10 and will last throughout the summer in Park! You’ll be sure to POP out of a crowd with this limited-edition Mr. Gold Pop Badge! Want to get your hands on one?   Spot an employee fashioning the Mr. Gold Pop Badge in Park on their uniform or their LEGOLAND® California Resort lanyard. We can’t reveal who or where to find these employees, so make sure to keep your eyes open for the prize throughout the day!

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