Mr. Gasket (ep.4)

Mr. Gasket (ep.4)

Short Rhymes

May holidays, nice weather and fun, 

All people seem to be happy.

I leave home at the crack of dawn

My coworkers are going camping.

Spending time with the best friends,

All of us would prefer such unwinding,

Instead of presentation of team's interests

In the stupid contests of team-building.

Who was a looser, he is a looser,

It doesn't depend on any contests.

To go or not, they can't even choose it 

Anyway they are gonna be roasted.

In the end of the day I was drunk a lot -

Secret case of beer was hidden in pond.

I couldn't say distinctly even a word,

Our team has broken the mould

| at the crack of dawn - с первыми лучами солнца

| camping - лагерь, поход

| unwinding - зд.: отдых

| contests - соревнование, состязание

| to roast - зд.: прикалываться, издеваться (сленг)

| case of beer - ящик пива

| pond - пруд

| distinctly - отчетливо, членораздельно

| to break the mould - сломать стереотип, порвать шаблон

Previous Episodes:

Episode0 - Mr. Gasket

Episode1 - Secretary's Birthday

Episode2 - Friday Meeting

Episode3 - Weirdo

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