


Four years ago I came to a big city from a small town. I was so excited I could cry. I was really happy and I instantly felt I belonged here. It was hard sometimes, but my friends got me through it and I never felt alone and I never felt like it wasn’t my place to be. This has been a really good experience, now I know how it feels to work and study, to live with a bunch of people to make it cheaper, to get up at four am and do my homework, to move out because your roommate is getting married or because your roommates don’t speak Russian and it’s frustrating, or because you live so far away that it takes you 3h to get to the university, or because your landlady’s son doesn’t want his mother to let out the apartment anymore. When your goal is always to find a cheaper equivalent of whatever you want. When you’ve lived here for 4 years and still can’t say where the hell everything is when a stranger asks you. When you see your family two times a year and you miss them every day, and you would leave it all and go see them, but the tickets are too expensive. But you live, and you’re happy, and this all is just a beginning of your grownup life.

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