

RUSSIA, Moscow, 1989

RUSSIA, Moscow, 1989

RUSSIA, Moscow, 1989

RUSSIA. Moscow. 1st of May celebrations. 1989

RUSSIA. Moscow. 9th of May Victory Day celebrations. 1989

RUSSIA, Moscow, 1989

RUSSIA. Moscow. Gum department store entrance. 1989

RUSSIA. Moscow. Hotel lavatory. 1989

RUSSIA. Moscow. Orthodox church. 1989

RUSSIA, Moscow, 1989



“During my first stay in the USSR in 1969, I expected to discover communism, and I found Dostoyevsky and Gogol.

In 1989, shortly before the fall of the Berlin Wall, I saw a society that was frozen and ossified, which no longer knew which god to turn to. Suddenly a palette of unknown, washed-out, muted colours was offered to me, the image of this universe which existed between two worlds.

In 2009, the choice of an aggressive capitalism and frenzied consumerism imposed itself: flashy advertising invaded the public space. But the “Russian soul” still dominates; there is not a much greater feeling of freedom.” – Harry Gruyaert

Photographer: Harry Gruyaert

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