

This page will be about an opportunity to make good money in your spare time working from home online simply doing what you normally do: using social media. However, do not forget to also check out the Services page from the main menu to know how you can save money, and also earn "Afro" currency for use in Adelaide.

Now to how you could make much money using a new social media network.

  1. First, join Webtalk by accepting my invitation here: and clicking on the Accept Invitation button
  2. Click the Email icon (not Facebook unless you can access the Email you used to join Facebook with) and sign up with your real and full name, date of birth, and email address, and create a password that you will use for future logins to Webtalk.
  3. Go to your Email and if you don't see an Email from Webtalk in your inbox, please look in the Spam, or Junk, or Promotions folder. You need to open that email and click on a link to verify your account.
  4. Log in to Webtalk, add me as Connection type for example "Professional, Current, Vendor" and update your profile: at least put a photograph, and a short Bio. Try to get your profile to at least 70% as incomplete profiles won't be able to register for the Affiliate program which is how you will make money.
  5. Click on the Affiliates link below the advertisement on the right hand side of the page after you are logged in to Webtalk and see how to register as Affiliate and receive monthly commissions for life. Until the Affiliate program is launched, everyone you invite to Webtalk will still be counted as your referrals.
  6. Invite people to use Webtalk, you can find your referral invite link on your Settings page. The more you invite, and the more they invite, five levels deep, the more monthly commissions you will earn. See the calculator on the Affiliates page for possible earnings. This is a very generous reward program for a new social media company that share its profits with us, the more you and others use Webtalk.
  7. Log in often to see updates and news on Webtalk, you will need to log in at least once per week and have an active 100% profile, before you will be elligible to register as an Affiliate. This could be the opportunity of a life time.

To see other ways to save money and achieve success please go to and please share that site with everyone you know: the more people involved, the more we all save and the more we all make. Spread the word about TODAY!

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