

Nuray Zeynolla

Mom is the first word in the life of any person. The first, the main word and the most beautiful word of a person. One aphorism says that mom is a synonym for love. Another quote states that the mother is the name of God on the lips and hearts of young children. And this word is understandable to absolutely all inhabitants of the Earth, no matter what language they speak. And, of course, there are many aphorisms, phrases and sayings about mothers.

 Motherhood is hard work with no vacations, days off, and room for error. Being a mom is a responsibility, a mission, a duty and great love.

 Many people know the phrase that there are no irreplaceable people. So in the case of motherhood, this phrase is absolutely inappropriate. Mother can never be replaced by anyone.

 When it is difficult for a person, does he say the magic word mom out loud or mentally? Because from infancy he knows that the mother will always come to the rescue.We have collected the kindest and most gentle quotes and sayings dedicated to the mother.

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