

𖣂 available — Rl thingy (pap activity without face/muse, voice note, sleepcall mute, otp un/mute tergantung situasi), Basic req…

𖣂 introduction — Hi! Hello! This is Mikayla, that’s my gorgeus name. I’m humble and warm girl, *oops* also cute girl. I’m prever to use aku-kamu for daily, and use bahasa for my laguange. I’m into listen of music. I listen to a looottt of songs and many genres, like Taylor Swift, The 1975, Bruno Mars, CAS, Arctic Monkeys, Nadin Amizah, Hindia, Maliq & D'Essentials and manymore! I’m ENFJ gang. Ah IYA, aku suka bangeeeettt TMI dan excited banget kalo bahas sesuatu. Aku ini buciiiin JUGA DEH SERIUS! aku bulol alias bucin akut yang udah mendarah daging daaaan gak ketolooong!!!! Aku bawel dan suka banget send bubblechat 3-5 dalam 1 menit!!!! I love listening to people tell stories about their day, sooo, u can share your TMI, dan aku bakalan excited banget <3

I love to being clingy and spoiled, soalnya aku anaknya gampang kangeeenan. Aku suka banget jadi ’Anak kecil’ sama orang yang bikin aku nyaman. And, i love both love-hate relationship or love-dovey relationship. I love spending my fine day with my partner alias quality time, such a movie date, sposess, game date like mobile legends, stumble, and manymoreeee! Low sense of humor, aku suka banget send sticker meme yang lucu-lucu deeeh.

I like to give cute nicknames to my partner, also love to show off my partner! I can be a good listener and the best home. I will try to be the best girlfriend version of me :P Aku suka banget pake kaomoji (:p, :D, t_t, :d, :o) I don’t think i’m a drytexter, monster stickie and capslock when i feel excited. I really like talking about my idols or husbu hehehehehehheh :OOOO

Segitu aja kali ya? Aku rasa sih.. cukup. Kalau belum cukup, coba deh cobain pacaran sama aku!!!! OKE????? Aku tungguin, nih!!!!! 🤜🏻

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