mi amor

mi amor


Introducing my favorite boy, his name is kael, he is the person I love the most, he is a funny and great child, he is a cheerful child and likes to harbor his own problems, he is great I am really proud of him because he was able to survive here, solving his problems one by one alone, it's not easy. Senyum nya jangan ilang ya? Senyum kamu itu bener bener indah.
bersyukur karna udah ketemu sama kamu eh malah di satuin, malah makin bersyukur. ntah berapa kali aku bilang kalau aku itu sayang kamu, selamanya.
gabisa ngejelasin kamu panjang panjang karna emang kamu udah cukup sempurna. i love you more than you know, babe💗

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