[Method] How I Make $100-200 a Week With Instagram And Emails

[Method] How I Make $100-200 a Week With Instagram And Emails


Hey guys,

Today I will shortly explain you guys how I generate a decent sum each day/week trough a simple referral system and Instagram.

You dont need to invest any money! That's the best. 



Part 1(with Instagram Bot):

At first we need to download an Instagram bot that can: Follow, Like, Unfollow & DM (jarvee.com

Secondly we need to setup: Auto Follow and Auto Like

Third Step You sign up at instagrow.services and navigate to their Affiliate Program.

You should see your link now, copy it and short it with an URL Shortener like bit.ly


Setup in Jarvee the auto DM module (for new followers f.e.) and create a message with your link like:

"Quote:Hey [USERNAME],

wanna grow your Account fast and organically?

Yes, you want!

instagrow.services . I find this one visually pleasing & they pay via PayPal once a week.



Now every new follower gets this Message automatically. The most of them click on the link and also most of them sign up.

At least: Send an E-Mail to office@instagrow.services that you want to be an affiliate.

-> You'll get unlimited access to this plugin. (So your account wont expire 

 ) "


Part 2 (E-Mail Campaigns):

Download an E-Mail Scraper (like SerpDigger, its the best in this Case - will also upload it later)

Scrape all E-Mails from Instagram users (which they often put into their bios).

Send all of them a nice E-Mail about instagrow.services and its features with your referall link with MailChimp for example.


Im sending currently about 10-25k E-Mails a week. I just re-register on Mailchimp, upload 2k emails and send them with an Template i've created.

Sometimes i also send the campaigns of the past again, sometimes there are people who didnt see this email due to other emails.

Im using this method(s) now for about 1,5 months and im really getting a lot of money. My best week was 250€!

Hope you enjoy this!

PS. I think you can send DM's automatically from instagrow.services platform as well, I just am used to Jarvee.

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