memory foam mattress topper from china

memory foam mattress topper from china

memory foam mattress topper for small double

Memory Foam Mattress Topper From China


The absolute safest crib baby mattresses you’ll find on the market are made from plant-based materials that were grown without the use of pesticides. The plant fibers would not have been treated with chemicals during the manufacturing process. And the final product (including the mattress’s core, padding and cover) also would not have been treated with chemicals. Instead of chemicals, natural materials would be used to comply with fire safety regulations, resist bacteria and water-proof the mattress from sweat, urine and saliva. One issue with truly safe crib mattresses is that they can be prohibitively expensive for many parents. If a healthier crib mattress isn’t in the budget, consider asking close friends & coworkers to chip in toward a collective baby shower gift. Another option is to buy the safer crib mattress second-hand or accept one from a friend, who no longer needs it. However if you do, please be aware there are some important issues to consider with used crib mattresses.

A second issue is that parents can be mislead into thinking some crib mattresses are safer for their baby and the environment than they really are. Parents should be aware that crib mattresses claiming to be safe and healthy, sometimes are not. In a misguided attempt to make “natural crib mattresses” more affordable, manufacturers will often create just the core of the mattress from natural materials… but then use petroleum-based fabrics to cover and pad the mattress. They may also use chemicals, rather than safe and natural solutions, to address flammability, water-proofing and bacteria resistance. These manufacturers may label their seemingly safer product with deceiving buzzwords such as “eco”, “green”, “healthy” or “non-toxic”. And they can do this legally, because there are are no standards or regulations to define what these terms mean. If you find a crib mattress that claims to be made from natural materials, check that it is also covered in wool, rather than dipped in chemicals, to address fire safety regulations.

Parents concerned with bacteria buildup from sweat, saliva or urine should look for a mattress core that addresses waterproofing with natural latex rubber, which comes from the rubber tree. If the label says synthetic latex rubber (or sometimes just “latex”), then it is made from petroleum and is not the healthiest or most eco alternative. If it’s in the budget, opt for mattresses that are certified organic to ensure the natural materials that went into the mattress were not grown with pesticides or chemical fertilizers. Just because the label states that a chemical is “not known” to be dangerous, does not mean that it safe. It just means that it has not yet been tested. For example, several chemical fire retardants have been phased out in response to consumer demand or because they have been banned by the government. However, many of these fire retardants have been replaced by other toxic chemicals that have not yet been tested and therefore not yet proven to be unsafe.

Densely woven wool is a natural fire retardant and does not require added chemicals. While rare, some babies are allergic to wool. Natural latex foam comes from the rubber tree and is naturally resistant to mold, mildew, bacteria, and mites. While rare, some babies are allergic to natural latex. (Do not confuse natural latex with synthetic latex. Synthetic latex is made from petroleum.) Conventional cotton (i.e. not organic) is heavily sprayed with pesticides. Choose organic cotton if you can. Boric acid or silica is sometimes added to wool mattresses and may not be listed on the label, so be sure to ask. These natural additives are safer than chemicals, but may cause temporary eye or respiratory irritation. Most bamboo fabrics on the market are not a natural alternative. Turning durable bamboo into a soft material requires such heavy processing, that it is mostly synthetic by the time it has become a fabric. If the label says the bamboo has been processed “mechanically” (or is labeled as “bamboo linen”), then it is a safer and more eco-friendly alternative.

However bamboo linen is expensive, so most bamboo fabrics on the market today are chemically produced. Soybean foam is not a natural alternative. It is primarily a petroleum-based foam that has been partially replaced with some soy product. Just because a label lists a chemical that is “not known” to be dangerous, does not mean that it safe. It just means that it has not yet been tested. Unless the mattress specifically says 100% organic, an organic mattresses may still be covered in synthetic materials or treated with chemicals. Check the website’s product description or ask the salesperson when buying in-store to be sure. Both Greenguard and GOTS certifications are fairly comprehensive in regards to harmful chemicals and are highly regarded. GOTS is the most robust certification available for crib mattresses and covers the final product, the methods and chemicals in manufacturing, and the safety of workers throughout the production process. Avoid Toxins Organic Sleep

Product Description PE bag Pvc nonwoven bag Color BoxCustomeried 1. Ergonomic shape promotes proper alignment and support2. Relieves shoulder, neck , body and back pain by allowing the whole body muscles to relax completely3. Contoured memory foam material maintains shape for correct support4.Its massage surface provides more relaxation, help ease tense muscles, relieve neck discomfort more effectively, so you can fall asleep easier.5. Removable and washable cover6. Dust mite and allergen-resistant7. Reduces tossing and turning throughout the night8. Pillow molds to the shape of the head, neck and shoulders9. Applicable to all adults.10. Adjusts to the body's changing of temperature & postures.11. Relieves neck, shoulder and back pain by allowing neck and shoulder muscles to fully relax12. Machine Washable & Removable cover. Product TechnologyMemory foam is polyurethane with additional chemicals increasing its viscosity and density. It is often referred to as "visco-elastic" polyurethane foam, or low-resilience polyurethane foam (see LRPu).

Higher-density memory foam softens in reaction to body heat, allowing it to mold to a warm body in a few minutes. A lower-density memory foam is pressure-sensitive and molds quickly to the shape of a body pressing against it, returning to its original shape once the pressure is removed. Faster speed of recovery of a foam to its original shape after a weight is removed is sometimes claimed as an advantage by memory-foam mattress producers, who may talk of "newer generation" foams with "faster recovery." Relieves pressure:With open-cell structure, the air between cell will flow when the pillow oppressed by external pressure, so that the stress can be evenly dispersed throughout the whole contact surface, thus makes you feel like floating on the water or air.2. Temperature sensitive/ Automatic deformation:It can automatically deform according to your body temperature, when fervescence, its elastic will increase, when your body temperature dropping, the pillow will adjust its softness. With this feature, using the pillow can make your head and neck stable and reduce the possibility of stiffness as well as can prevent cervical vertebra problems effectively.3.

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