memory foam mattress different types

memory foam mattress different types

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Memory Foam Mattress Different Types


If you’re new to memory foam mattresses and you’ve been having a look through some of the reviews I have for you on my website, I can forgive you for not quite understanding what different types there are and what benefits they offer. Since I’m all about making sure you find the right mattress for you (and at the right price), I thought it would be a good idea to add some short and to the point information about the types of memory foam you will come across. So, let’s start with the best known. This type first started to take hold of the market in the mid 1990’s and for good reason. Unlike a spring mattress, traditional memory foam has been designed so your body is cradled while you sleep. What this does is helps to increase blood circulation and reduces the amount of stress you get on various joints across the body while you sleep. Another benefit worth knowing if you’re changing from a spring mattress is those that are made from memory foam are anti-microbial.

This reduces the number of dust mites and other bugs that can make allergies flare-up. In fact, it makes for a much healthier sleeping environment all round. Motion transfer is something else to think about. If you sleep next to someone who is constantly tossing and turning (or indeed, if you are that person), traditional memory foam will stop this from happening. Lastly, a traditional memory foam mattress will last much longer than a spring type because of the materials used and the way it’s constructed. One of the biggest complaints about memory foam mattresses is the amount of heat they can produce. This is because lots of models have been designed so they react to your body temperature. When this happens, the material softens which is why you get such great support from them. In fact, you could say it’s a little like sleeping on air. Manufacturers have listened to their customers, and you can now buy air cool memory foam. If you opt for a mattress that includes this technology, it will respond to your body temperature much quicker and will channel the warmth out.

This eliminates the issue with additional heat and makes for a cooler night’s sleep. Some models also use what’s called open cell technology which helps to distribute heat more evenly. The 12″ LUCID® by Linenspa I have reviewed here is a perfect example of this type of technology. Just like traditional memory foam, gel technology will help stop motion transfer when people sleep in the same bed and will cradle the pressure points over your body. Gel foam is also anti-microbial so you can keep those allergies at bay. However, it is different in that unlike traditional foam, this technology is often infused with the same sort of gel that’s used in sports equipment or shoe inserts. This makes it one of the best memory foams on the market in terms of support. In fact, it’s ideal for those of you who suffer medium to severe aches and pains due to poor posture when you sleep. It’s also more durable than traditional foam which means manufacturers can offer better warranties.

Do bear in mind however, that due to the support gel foam offers, it will feel firmer than traditional memory foam. If you’re interested in seeing an example of this, take a look at my review on the Ultimate Dreams 13″ Gel Memory Foam Mattress.March 5, 2013 0 Comment Guides With the multitude of options in the memory foam mattress market, it can be hard to compare the differences and find the best fit. And, it is not necessarily which bed is portrayed to be the best quality or value, but which one will be best for you. The differences between the brands, prices and the type of memory foam mattress can vary greatly. Each has their pros and cons, and we will take a look at the basics in this article.Traditional memory foam is what many people think of as the “NASA-inspired” and/or Swedish foam. Tempur-Pedic is probably the best-known name for this type in the specialty mattress industry. This type of material uses a petroleum-based polyurethane foam designed to react and soften when exposed to warmth, enabling it to contour to an individual’s unique body.

Memory foam also has the property of distributing weight across the surface of the bed, creating a pressure-less sensation (as opposed to innersprings, which resist pressure points and push against heavier areas like hips and shoulders). All types included, this category receives the highest overall ratings for comfort and satisfaction.Although memory foam has many desirable qualities when it comes to comfort, there are a couple complaints that can be seen with some frequency in reviews. Memory foam mattress can be hot to sleep on because you are sleeping more in the mattress than on it. The foams tend to retain body heat near the sleeper rather than releasing it. Other concerns include slow-response time and chemical concerns.In recent years Tempurpedic has tried to differentiate themselves from “memory foam”, but that is what the Tempur material represents, and what many other manufacturers have emulated. Recent lines have attempted to address some of the “cons”, but they still remain an issue with traditional foam.

While certainly not all other types meet or surpass the name brand, there are several competitors gaining popularity.This is one of the newer types of memory foam, and one generating a lot of buzz. The idea behind it is that gel will help cool the sleeper and transfer heat away from the surface. Typically, the gel is added to standard memory foam via tiny beads, or as a liquid before or after manufacturing. Other types use layers or pockets of gel on the surface. The most popular brand in this field is likely Serta’s iComfort lines, which aims to rival Tempurpedic. This line uses the bead-infusion method.There a few potential drawbacks or concerns with gel, in addition to those of the traditional memory foam it is based on. We discuss this in our memory foam mattress complaints article, but essentially newer studies are showing that gel may not be cooler than other types. This may have something to do with gel’s tendency to take on surrounding temperatures. Another issue arises with the newness of the product, and limited data on longevity.

Plant-based memory foam mattresses, more commonly known as “green” memory foam mattresses are more environmentally friendly as well as more friendly to the human body. mattresses is manufactured with zero emissions and contains zero toxic VOCs. Their plant-based memory foam also does not rely on body heat to conform, which yields quicker response time and recovery. The extreme open-cell design improves breathability as well, with Cargill reporting plant-based materials to sleep 25% cooler than gel and Amerisleep reporting  10x faster heat dissipation than traditional memory foam.Getting a great bargain on a memory foam mattress does not necessarily mean that you will be getting a high quality mattress. However, price is not the sole determining factor on the quality of a mattress. Some brands have high markups that don’t reflect quality, and others have genuinely low prices and quality that beats or exceeds the averages.So what does determine quality? This is complex, but one good indicators is the memory foam density.

A good range that will offer both comfort and durability is 4.0-5.3lbs. Foams in the 2.5-3.5lb range tend to have less resilience and thus are prone to showing wear and softening sooner than the average 5-7 year minimum people expect from beds. Foams with densities too high can be uncomfortable in thick layers as they might feel too firm or unresponsive.Other good indicators of quality include guarantees and manufacturing origin. The retailer’s warranty should extend for 20 years or more, with at least 10 of those years being full coverage. A trial period is also important, as this will allow to test the bed in your home and exchange or return it if the fit isn’t right. For someone who has never slept on foam mattresses before, it may take up to 30 days for your body to fully adjust. American made products (both the foam and final product) are also more likely to offer better quality do to more stringent manufacturing and labor guidelines.Finally, you can also check owner reviews to see what other people have to say about quality.

Look for third party verified reviews when possible, as these use an identifier, such as email address, to confirm that the person reviewing is an actual buyer of the product.So which memory foam mattress is the best type for you? It all depends on your preferences and your price range. This is why it is important to shop around and become informed when buying a new mattress, as there are many options and types to choose from. Make a list of factors you believe to be most important and create a budget. Are you most concerned with sleeping cool, eliminating VOCs, getting a name brand, or getting a great deal? Organizing your priorities will help you effectively compare the differences and select the best option for your needs. The more you know about the different memory foam mattress brands and types, the more informed your decision will be. 2016's Best Black Friday Deals on Memory Foam Mattresses Find A Great Deal with Labor Day Mattress Sales 2017 Best Memory Foam Mattress Deals From 4th of July Sales: 2017 Edition

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