πŸ‘© MeπŸ‘¨

πŸ‘© MeπŸ‘¨

Feudal Wars Wiki Team

Here you can find everything about you:

You are: πŸ‘©πŸ»

your attack strength: πŸ”±οΈ

your rank:πŸ…

your journal and ID: /journal_ID

your power to next title: ⚜️

your vassal count: You have 20 vassals

your liege: You are a vassal of πŸ‘¨πŸΌ /view_ID

your alliance: πŸ†

your attack criteria: πŸ…1-100, ⚜️ the range of power you can attack (your power multiplied and divided by 3), πŸ”±οΈ the attack strength of your opponents (your attack multiplied and divided by 1.2)

your unrest: πŸ’£

your alarm: πŸ””

your scouts: πŸ•Ά

your tales: 🎻

your gold: You have πŸ’°

your vassals you can /rescue

your vassal /prisoners you have seized πŸŽ‰ or trapped πŸ•³

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