

Hey sjain, I'm at school lab. It's cold here, brrrr. But most of the time it's just hot here >o< But anyways, I'm still breathing ><

So, I'm gonna learn Python again. I'm so excited. Hmm, by the way, how are you doing? I've succesfully recovered myself from the whole overthinkin stuff, thank god. I wishthings are great here, and it seems like my wish was granted! Things are good here, despite the coronavirus situation, we're stilll doing fine. Even if I experienced some slight cough and flu, but I had those always sometimes, So I don't really mind. And I have my medicine.

I'm shocked! Lots of my friends brought their phones! Some even brought iPhone XR here, I'm so jealous looking at my potato phone >w<

What's your difference between betweeen a lizard and you?

Lizard sticks at the wall, you stick at my heart <3 My mother seemed to understand me a lot, I love her soooo much. <3

I'm so glad things are going fine now, despite the exam is coming. Wish me good luck ok? I haven't studied much at home QwQ

My good friends had became more close with me and turns out that I was too blind to see them helping me. I thought the world is evil and cold. But hey, you'll never realize what's in it right?

They accepted who I am, although they prefer me bing straight lol xP. while my parents haven't knew about it yet ;w;

It's been three days and my phone battery still won't dying lmao. Glad it had an 18 days standby time.

I just wanted to tell you, I missed you a lot. My bf too QwQ

I love you a lot, you take caare okay? <3

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