Amara S.


    4752 Journal's, Ziyoung.

{ 𝔸 𝔽amous 𝕋hings }

      ⋆ ࣪๑. Chapter. 𝗜 ⇆

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✦ 𓂃 ## Write this journal to read by drinking coffee on the side with a little cheese topping. After that, maybe I will read the comic entitled "Ziyoung the Beautiful Girl with a Little Miracle" calmly and live it. Ziyoung is a girl who is famous of her talent. Ziyoung's talents vary from field to field, to the point where I can't name one of them. Ziyoung was born from a prettiest light and lit up his body so that she became who she is today. Ziyoung is friendly and has a good attitude. She would greet in a blanket with a warm smile when she met people.

{ 𝕋he 𝔻arkness 𝕋hat ℍas }

      ⋆ ࣪๑. Chapter. 𝗜𝗜 ⇆

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✦ 𓂃 ## So evening comes and I'm still reading the journal. The journal is aesthetic and interesting. The journal has a classy and slightly colorful theme. But the theme of the journal is dark, so only a few of them are in color, the rest are black and white like my memory with Ziyoung that I still remember at this time. Ziyoung has a life story that seems dark, and her journal will follow a concept from the real life of the girl, Ziyoung.

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