


Hi, as you know I'm Carolyn! Dan nama belakang gue Jawbthane, Carolyn Jawbthane. Nothing much I can explain about my self in here, but I really really really loves listening to music! Apalagi yang genrenya Indie Pop. Selain dari dengerin musik, gue juga suka menggambar. Belakangan ini sering nyoba-nyoba gambar buat nemuin art style gue dan I think... I'm already found it :] Mungkin sedikit kaku diawal but I promise I'll be a good listener. Oh ya, sekedar ngasih tau, gue engga termasuk ke tipe rp manapun alias uncate. Dannn, Ini serius yang terakhir. Make sure you're not part of nonchara, rprl area, grammar police, homophobic, racism and the other bad things sebelum interaksi ke gue, thanks!

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