

Janona Akhmedova

Hello, my name is Janona. I`m an external communications specialist with almost 10 years experience. I had a good journalism background, so  my media relations based on that experience. I had worked as a reviewer, interviewer, I researched society problems and wrote about it in our mass media. Then I had decided open my own media, because I knew a lot of good journalists, influencers and experts, I did it, and it was a very good experience, but that time I felt that I grew out of it and sold my mass media to my business partner.

I understood i want to join my media realations experience with being an Public realations specialist. I worked with goverment officials, made public strategy with them, did PR/ESG/ORM projects on the goverment side and was invited as a External communications specialist to the holdind Orient Group Management, and then grew up to deputity director of corporate communications above all holding. After 2 years of work CEO changed and i desided to leave the company. 

After couple of month i was invated to the Position Head of communications of IT Park Uzbekistan with large team in Head office in Tashkent and in regions. We have been selling potencial of Uzbekistans IT outsourcing in the global market, i worked with global media, and broadcast our foreingh development in local medias, so it was a very big baggage of tools, steakholders and missions. Finally i leave the company because of values ​​didn't fit, there were many violations of the working framework, this did not suit me and we agreed to part ways. 

Now i`m free bird and consulting international companies, more russion companies, who want open their representatives in Uzbekistan. 

The company's portfolio in this country includes 12 projects, of which 11 are in the field of renewable energy sources, incl. 2 wind farms in 2 districts of Bukhara region. with a capacity of 500 MW each, a wind farm with a capacity of 100 MW in the Karauzyak district of Karakalpakstan.

In addition, the company is building a thermal power plant (TPP) with a capacity of 1,500 MW in Shirin, Syrdarya region.

ACWA Power and the Ministry of Energy in Uzbekistan signed a 25-year Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with a total investment value of US$1.2 billion for the development/construction/operation of a 1500 MW Combined Cycle Gas-Turbine (CCGT) power plant. JSC National Electric Grids of Uzbekistan acts as the sole off-taker.

The project will be located in Shirin City in the Sirdarya region and will be developed as a ‘Build, Own, Operate, Transfer’ project. ACWA Power will take the lead in constructing, engineering, operating and maintaining the plant.

The CCGT plant’s efficiency rate will be in excess of 60% - saving almost twice the natural gas currently used for electricity production.

Отмечается, что Узбекистан является 2м по величине рынком ACWA Power с точки зрения инвестиций.

Портфель компании в этой стране включает 12 проектов, из которых 11 - в области ВИЭ, в т.ч. 2 ВЭС в 2х районах Бухарской обл. мощностью по 500 МВт, ВЭС мощностью 100 МВт в Караузякском р-не Каракалпакии.

Помимо этого, компания строит тепловую электростанцию (ТЭС) мощностью 1500 МВт в Ширине Сырдарьинской обл.

  • Полный запуск электростанции планируется весной 2024 г. 


  • Shirin City, Sirdarya region, Uzbekistan
  • JSC National Electric Grids of Uzbekistan
  • 1500 MW
  • USD 1,017 Mn
  • 51%
  • Combined Cycle Gas-Turbine (CCGT)
  • PPA-BOOT-25 YR
  • ACWA Power Sirdarya LLC

ACWA Power and National Electric Grid of Uzbekistan signed 25 years of Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) on 5 March 2020. Total value of the investment for construction of 1500 MW Combined Cycle Gas Turbine (CCGT) is 1.017 billon USD. ACWA Power is an investor, developer, owner and operator of the power plant. Power purchaser is National Electric Grid of Uzbekistan (NEGU) as off-taker.

Our vision - To ensure the ingenuity and entrepreneurship of the private sector and make available electricity and desalinated water in a reliable and responsible manner to support social development and economic growth of nations.

Our mission - Reliably and responsibly delivering power and desalinated water at low cost.

A developer, investor and operator of power generation and desalinated water plants with 66 assets in operation, construction or advanced development across 12 countries. We employ more than 3,900 people with ~60% local employment. ACWA Power’s portfolio, with an investment value of USD 68 billion, can generate 44.6 GW of power and produce 6.2 million m3 /day of desalinated water

CEO Message

ACWA Power Sirdarya welcomes everyone on this page. We are proud to be one of the first major Independent Power Producer (IPP) in Uzbekistan to contribute to the transformation and development of energy sector by adding highly efficient, reliable 1500 MW power. Our company strategy is fully aligned with Ministry of Energy and National Electric Grid of Uzbekistan that providing power to communities reliably at low cost. Project employs more than 2000 experts and workers at peak of the construction with more than 60% of local employees. With deployment of local sub-contractors and available tools, we aim to contribute to the economic growth and deliver project target on time by producing initial 1000MW in Q3 2023 and ramp up to 1500MW by end of 2023. With safety being our top priority, project has progressed around 70% to date and we commit to achieve contractual obligation in front of our stakeholders.


Узбекистан планирует к 2030 г. увеличить долю ВИЭ до 25%.

В настоящее время в стране доля ВИЭ составляет лишь 10% от общего объема вырабатываемой электроэнергии, остальные 90% приходятся на традиционные источники энергии. 

We develop power, desalinated water and green hydrogen plants

12 countries, 15 офисов - саудовская аравия, иордания, египет, турция, индонезия, азеры, Морокко, эмираты, Бахрейн
55.1 GW Power (Gigawatt)
7,6 Million m3 (a cubic megametre)
82,8 миллиарда инвестистиций или дохода? 

I looked through your public presence, i find several problematic points: 

1. You have a very innovative and trending direction all over the world, but you do not have a sense of progressiveness on your site, very outdated technology and layout

2. There is no feeling of a single brand, the names of a global company and a local one differ, the site is not searched separately in the search, if you enter AKWA Power Uzbekistan, not everyone knows that the name in your country is AKWA Power Syrdarya. Accordingly, you need to properly present and set up competent SEO

3. There is no storytelling on the site, everything is in pieces, mission, vision, dry, where there are videos, it is necessary to explain that this is in all languages, everything is just torn off. We need a single story on the site so that everything is connected. The news block is completely empty, you had so many news feeds, so many numbers that could be put into infographics, so many important photos with the president, for example, all this needs to be highlighted and proud, to make the story more delicious

4. We need a unified press service in 3 languages, including Russian (many high-ranking officials studied in Soviet schools and consume information in Russian, journalists too). We need a constant supply of news, 2 times a week on average, not only concerning the company, but also trends in the field. Setting up the news network in general.

5. There is no representation on Linkedin, there is no CEO brand, which in most cases broadcasts more effectively than the social networks of the company itself, this is an official person, he needs to be highlighted

6. Since this is a very crisis story in Uzbekistan, it is necessary to place great emphasis on CSR projects and highlight them with a full description, now videos in Uzbek are simply uploaded, without explanation; Implement projects and talk about them, both on your own and on partners’ websites, work with influencers and public opinion leaders, experts

7. You need high-quality interviews in the media, reports about the company, employees, to show that you have a great contribution to the lives of employees, to show that the workforce is 60 percent of the country's residents, which increases working potential and reduces the poverty factor. you need to show that despite the fact that you are foreigners, you know the environment well, you need to show the CEO’s knowledge of the Russian language

8. Coverage of your activities in the world media, despite the fact that you are aimed at the local market, this shows success, draws attention to your activities and fits you into the general context, you are taking part in solving one of the most pressing problems of the region


My equations:

Who has been involved in PR since the beginning of activities in Uzbekistan?

How is information approved before publication? Who is the final decision maker?

How often do business trips across regions occur?

How many companies need to be brought into the public field and run? I heard that there are several more, tell us about the division of companies.

What about internal communications? How many people work at the head office in Tashkent? And how many people are directly at the facilities in the region?

How often do you host or participate in events? How often do you have news updates?

Brand book?

Report Page