mattress toppers dorma

mattress toppers dorma

mattress topper to increase firmness

Mattress Toppers Dorma


Our Classic Feather Bed, or mattress topper, is a traditional three channel (75%) feather, (25%) down, blend designed for those that like a big billowy look and feel to their beds. You don't sleep "on it" as much as you sleep "in it". These beds are VERY thick, so thick in fact, that when you lay down on the feather bed night after night you realize you are sleeping in a very shallow channel created by the weight of your body while sleeping. It's very cozy and warm. When you change the fitted sheet or Feather Bed protector, which we highly recommend you use, many of our customers take that opportunity to re-fluff their feather and down feather bed so it's like new. It's like sleeping "in" a warm cloud. Since this feather and down blended feather bed is made with Hungarian goose feathers it's not uncommon for a feather quill to poke through the 230 thread count Egyptian cotton when fluffed or jumped on. Although our all goose down feather bed, or mattress topper, is called a "feather bed," we have meticulously sorted all the feathers that could poke from the down clusters to bring you the ultimate in luxury, a Hungarian white goose down mattress topper of the finest quality and softness.

After we try to remove the feathers from the down clusters we stuff them into a 12" baffle box design edged with a 2" gusset to allow the Hungarian white goose down to reach their maximum loft. A baffle box designed feather bed, or in this case mattress topper, is the most difficult design to manufacture and fill with a material, down clusters, that simply float away with your every breath. These are very light, very soft, and very difficult to make but the result is unsurpassed in the world of down mattress toppers. Unlike our Classic three (3) channel feather bed our baffle box design prevents our Hungarian goose down from shifting. If you can imagine two flat sheets laid one on top of the other and then sewn together without actually touching each other, almost like twelve 12" pizza boxes sewn together and filled with Hungarian goose down, then you have some idea how difficult this design is to build. The top and the bottom sheets, which are actually called 'ticking' or sometimes the 'shell', are separated by another piece of fabric, approximately 2" in height, which then completes the baffle, connecting the two sheets.

This design allows the goose down to reach it's maximum loft without being constrained by the outer shell, or ticking, of our goose down bed mattress topper. When it comes to our goose down beds fill power still means finer quality. However, when it comes to something that you sleep on, like a feather bed, and not under, like a down comforter, fill power means resilience and longevity. The higher the fill power the higher the quality, the higher the quality the larger the down cluster, the larger the down cluster the more resilient and longer it will last. So a higher fill power feather bed or mattress topper will last longer and provide support longer than a feather bed or mattress topper of lower fill power. So spending the extra money on a higher fill power feather bed means it won't need replacing as soon as a feather bed with a lower fill power. It may be more expensive but it is certainly a better value.Getting Ready to Clean Your Memory Foam Mattress Topper Memory foam mattress toppers, and memory foam mattresses as well, for that matter, must always be cleaned by hand, because machine cleaning can destroy the memory foam.

Start by removing your mattress topper from the bed, and place it on the floor. Check it for any stains and odors. Especially if you have to remove stains and odors, you may want to bring the topper into your bathroom, turning on the fan or opening the window to keep the room ventilated. If you're cleaning it on a hardwood or carpeted floor, place a tarp under it to protect the floor. Gather all the materials you need. For simple cleaning, you need a vacuum cleaner with a soft brush attachment, a gentle fabric cleaner, water, and a spray bottle. Vacuuming and Cleaning Your Memory Foam Mattress Topper The first step in cleaning your mattress topper is to vacuum it. Use a powerful handheld vacuum if possible, working with a soft brush attachment. Work your way from across the mattress topper using circular motions to pick up dust, debris, and other particles from the mattress. If you have an eggshell-style mattress topper, work through the crevices between the peaks, where debris is likely to congregate.

If your mattress topper is free from odors or stains, move straight to spraying it with detergent. Use a gentle laundry detergent such as those used for hand washing, mixing one part detergent to two parts warm water. Fill a spray bottle with the detergent, and then spray the entire mattress lightly. Don't soak the foam, but keep your spray bottle moving as you spray. How to Remove Stains from Your Memory Foam Mattress Topper After you blot the stain with water, sprinkle boric acid on it, and then keep blotting it till it's gone. If you're dealing with a stain caused by pet urine that soaked through your bedding, try an enzymatic pet stain cleaner. Apply the cleaner, and then let it sit for 15 minutes or so. Another option for stain removal is hydrogen peroxide. Be very careful using this chemical, and be aware that it may discolor your foam mattress topper. After spot cleaning the stains, blot the area again with a damp sponge and let it dry. Once it's dry, vacuum once more to remove any vestiges of the chemicals.

How to Remove Odors From Your Memory Foam Mattress Topper Stains that have a tendency to linger inside a memory foam pad or mattress topper include urine, vomit, and cigarette smoke. To remove these odors, start by vacuuming and spray-cleaning the mattress topper as usual, and then sprinkle it with baking soda. Let it sit overnight or for at least eight hours before vacuuming the baking soda away. Other options include trying citrus-based cleaning products or products specifically designed for eliminating odors. The Final Stages of Cleaning Your Memory Foam Mattress Topper Don't forget the flip side of your gel memory foam mattress topper. After you've cleaned it and removed all stains and odors, flip it over, and give the flip side a spray with your detergent solution. Let it dry completely, and then vacuum away any detergent residue. Don't return a mattress topper to your bed unless it's completely dry, as it can develop mildew, which can destroy the mattress topper.

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