mattress moving covers plastic

mattress moving covers plastic

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Mattress Moving Covers Plastic


Many Native American tribes, as well as various other societies around the world, have traditionally performed rainmaking rituals with the hope of ensuring good harvest and prosperity. If you are in the midst of moving preparations, however, you will probably consider performing a ritual for preventing rainfall on Moving day instead. While a few drops of rain won’t do any great harm, you will still have to find a way to keep your household goods dry and safe while taking them out of your old property and loading them onto the moving truck and to deal with all the mud and dirt your movers will leave on the floors while going in and out in the rain. But then, torrential rains and thunderstorms can totally ruin your plans and force you to postpone your move. A giant dark cloud looming on the horizon, however, is not a good enough reason to hit the panic button. Every cloud has a silver lining, remember? Unless a furious storm hits just when the moving truck is parking in front of your home, you may still perform a successful and trouble-free move.

Provided that you are well prepared for moving in bad weather, rain on moving day will have no serious repercussions on your moving adventure. How to move when it’s raining? Just stick to our practical tips for moving in the rain and you will stay on “dry land” throughout the entire moving process. Make it safe for yourself and your movers Whatever happens, your safety and the safety of your family, your movers and anyone else who has come to help, should be your primary concern. Remember that lightning can be extremely dangerous when you are hauling large metal appliances to a moving truck, so in the event of a violent thunderstorm just get inside and wait for a while. More often than not, summer storms are short-lived – most probably the intimidating thunder will fade away in an hour or so and the heavy rain will turn into drizzle. Once the peak of the storm has passed you may cautiously proceed with the moving procedures. Just be sure to: Wear appropriate clothes – A rain jacket and sturdy boots will not only keep you dry but will also help you avoid accidents (wet clothes become heavy and begin to sag, so that they can easily get caught on a piece of furniture or something else and make you fall, while inappropriate shoes may cause you to slip and hurt yourself).

Gloves will also come in very handy as they will provide a good grip on your wet items; Watch your step – Rain causes lots of things and surfaces to become slick, so be very careful when you are moving in the rain. Smooth surfaces like polished wood floors or tiles pose the greatest risk of falling, so make sure they are covered with cardboard pieces or old sheets. If there are any leaves on the ground, they will be extremely slippery, so it is a good idea to remove them beforehand; Drive very carefully – if you will be driving to your final destination, take into consideration the condition of the roads and drive slowly and cautiously; Preserving the good condition of your cherished possessions comes second in the list of precautionary measures to take when moving house in the rain. Remember that some household items are particularly prone to water damage: Furniture – wood can get moldy if exposed to moisture for a prolonged period of time. Excessive water can even warp or distort some more delicate wooden pieces.

Soft furniture, on the other hand, can get soaked and sustain severe damage (water can literally ruin delicate leather furniture). Metal pieces will get rusty, of course. So, when moving furniture in the rain, make sure all your pieces are well wrapped in plastic sheets (or plastic wrap) and heavy blankets. Once the furniture is loaded onto the moving truck, remove the coverings and make sure everything is dry; Appliances – water can cause significant damage to sensitive electronic devices and electrical appliances, so provide maximum protection; Artwork – Wrap artwork in plastic wrap to prevent moisture from damaging your valuable pieces. Custom-made wooden crates are your best choice for protecting delicate artwork (cover the crates in some waterproof materials, just in case); Clothes – if your clothes are not properly packed and get wet, mold growth may affect them. The least you should do is to put bundles of clothes in large-sized trash bags to keep the rain off;

Mattresses – moving a mattress in the rain is very tricky. If your mattresses get soaked up (as well as area rugs, curtains, etc.), it will be a real challenge to dry the completely afterwards. Mold may develop and you may have to discard them unless they have been properly wrapped and protected from moisture; Cardboard boxes – When cardboard moving boxes are exposed to rain, they get wet and soggy and begin to fall apart. If possible, use plastic boxes instead. If not, hold the boxes from the bottom for support and cover them with tarpaulin or some other appropriate coverings to keep moisture away. Pay special attention to boxes that contain valuable items and books, as paper cannot survive excessive moisture. Remove the coverings immediately after loading the boxes on the moving truck. Protecting your home is another significant measure to take when moving in the rain. To prevent property damage when moving in bad weather, you are advised to: Line the entryway to your home and the front porch with old rugs and towels.

They will catch any mud or water from your feet before it causes any damage inside; Lay old carpets, blankets, sheets, or tarps on the floors to protect them from muddy water. It is a good idea to place some cardboard pieces or newspapers over the rugs because they can be easily replaced even in the midst of the moving procedures if they get too muddy and slippery; Consider having indoor and outdoor crews to speed up the process and protect your floors. Two people can stay inside and hand boxes to others outside who will bring them to the moving truck. Not only will the floors will stay dry and clean, but you will save some time in the process. If it is raining when you reach your final destination, use the same tricks to protect your new home from dirt and moisture. Last but not least, remember that although expensive, moving insurance is a good investment, especially when moving in bad weather. The chance of accidents and damage are much greater when it’s raining on moving day, so ensure your peace of mind with adequate insurance when it rains on your parade while moving house.

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