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Bedbugs are small, flat, reddish-brown insects about the size of a lentil or apple seed. Bedbugs get their name because they like to hide in the cracks and crevices of a bedroom or sleeping area. Before World War II, bedbugs were common throughout the United States. Bedbugs have made a come back since the early 1990s because pesticides have changed, people travel more often and used furniture is more common. Bedbugs can be found around the world -- in resort hotels, universities, cruise ships, homes and apartment complexes. Bedbugs have even been found in Egyptian tombs dating back more than 3,000 years. Bedbugs do not care where they live. They can live in either a clean or a dirty environment. You are just as likely to find them in a world-class hotel, or anywhere where people rest or sleep. Like mosquitoes, bedbugs feed on blood from animals or people during the night and hide during the day. A bedbug compared to the size of a coin. Photo provided by the Center for Urban & Community Studies, University of Toronto.

Spread of Disease and Bedbugs Bedbugs are not known to spread disease to people. Itching from the bites, though, can be so bad that some people will scratch enough to cause breaks in the skin that may get infected. The bites can also cause an allergic reaction in some people. If your child has some bites and you are concerned they may be from bedbugs you should have them checked out by their healthcare provider. Bedbugs are reddish-brown and about the size of a lentil. The first sign of bedbugs may be: The bugs themselves, especially along the seams of mattresses Tiny bloodstains on sheets and mattresses Small dark spots where bedbugs might crawl into hiding places on furniture, walls and floors A sweet odor where bedbugs are found in large numbers Before taking any actions, call your local health department or a licensed professional pest control operator to make sure they are bedbugs and not some other insect. Hiding Places of Bedbugs During the day, bedbugs are most likely found hiding in cracks and crevices, usually near a bed or other sleeping area.

Some hiding places are: Mattress and box spring seams, creases, tufts and folds Cracks of bed frame and headboard Under chairs, couches, beds and dust covers In laundry or other items on the floor Behind electrical plates and under loose wallpaper, paintings and posters In cracks in plaster In telephones, radios, TVs and clocks Bedbugs hiding in the seam of a mattress. Call your local health department or a licensed professional pest control operator for help. If you choose to treat the bedbugs with an insecticide, call a licensed professional pest control operator. Do not attempt this on your own. Some guidelines to deal with bedbugs: Reduce clutter to limit hiding places for bedbugs. Do not bring used furniture into the home unless it can be visually inspected both inside and out as being bedbug free. It is important not to abandon infested furniture and mattresses without first marking them as "infested with bedbugs."

Vacuum furniture, carpet and bedding. Be sure to vacuum cracks in wood doors or floors where bugs may hide. Dispose of vacuum cleaner bag in sealed plastic bag. Enclose the mattress with a special bedbug cover. Bedbugs inside the cover will be unable to feed and will die. Wash clothes and bedding in hot water, and dry them with the hot cycle of the clothes dryer. To prevent bedbugs from crawling onto a bed, pull the bed frame away from the wall, tuck sheets and blankets so they don't contact the floor. Prevention of Bedbugs from Traveling Hang clothing in the closet farthest from the bed. Place luggage on the folding luggage rack. Place luggage in the dry cleaning bag and tie ends shut. Check your clothing and luggage before you leave for home. Getting rid of bedbugs may be difficult, and do-it-yourself actions can be dangerous and sometimes cause more harm than good. If you need help, call your local health department and get the help of a professional pest control service.

Because of you, hope lives on for struggling families throughout Cincinnati. The critical essentials delivered via our network are fueled by these programs Our direct-to-those-who-need-help-most network of people and places works wonders. But it's only as effective as the programs that help provide the emergency essentials for our neighbors. St. Vincent de Paul's robust roster of programs provides: We have nine neighborhood-based food pantries where those in need can shop free of charge, as well as a number of emergency food closets which volunteers can use for delivering right to homes A last resort safety net for those who have no other access to vital medication, the St. Vincent de Paul Charitable Pharmacy is the only one in southwest Ohio dedicated to providing free medication Through home visits and our Liz Carter Outreach Center, we provide rent and utility expense assistance to prevent homelessness and work towards long-term solutions We provide clothing, furniture, and household items to struggling families via our nine thrift stores

St. Vincent de Paul provides a mattress, box spring and bed rail set to neighbors who would otherwise be sleeping on the floor through the Bob and Sylvia Rahe Mattress Fund Ozanam Center for Service Learning Instills our communities with long-term change by connecting volunteers from diverse backgrounds to engage in poverty and justice issues in Cincinnati Throughout the year, St. Vincent de Paul conducts a number of special drives in partnership with media and corporate sponsors to collect and distribute basic necessities St. Vincent de Paul’s Re-Entry program is a five-year collaborative program in support of Returning Citizens focused on Education, Volunteer Engagement & Leadership Development, Basic Needs Assistance and Fostering Community Relationships. The Original Mattress Factory 26 years in business 7010 Fairfield Business Center Dr. Mr. Phil Wilkes, Manager Mr. Ron Trzcincski, C.E.O. Customer Service: Mr. Phil Wilkes, Manager

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