massage 💆‍♂️

massage 💆‍♂️


Sitting here having foot massage

read an article about consume less and create more

I start to realise wtf, I’m the same

I have long commute, I always have my headphone on, listening to audiobooks and at times business podcasts. Thinking that this will make me smarter. Sometime, when I look over a fellow commuter who is on social media, mainly Facebook. I would think that “ha” that’s wasting time, I’m here learning while you are wasting your time. The author help me realised this is both subjective and same. We are both consuming instead of creating.

listening to many audiobooks and podcasts, I have learn:

  • start, take action now
  • dont care about what other says
  • finish is better than perfect

yet after all these reading and consuming

I’m still looking for more and not creating. I’m not saying that reading is bad but I’m telling myself to take some time and create. You are 37 this year and turning 38 soon.

Life is short

start creating now

the last thing I wish is for this motivation to continue, every time reading some pump up eassy, after a short period I forget everything and go back to consuming

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