1st CONSENSUS: Every decision will be reduced to the choice of one of two.

Diads such as a dichotomy or a binary opposition are at the core of how the universe and our DNA works. DNA computers make 2^n computations at the time PCs make n. And 2^n is basically n binary choices. Symmetries are everywhere, and the decision-making, temporal, goes on everywhere on the levels of molecules and up.

Having in mind that there is a consensus that the prime goal of humankind is to put the DNA of the humankind on the surface of the black hole at the center of our galaxy (Tim Leary calls black holes violet) or send it there, we're here into something and the DNA structure is one of the most fundamental formulas in our universe (with vortex math and neutrinos), we're here into something really huge definitely.

The first question you can ask is about the duality of a human and a machine. PCs and DNA computers are there to make calculations, and we the choice makers are to have our own criterias for choices we make, that criterias are upon us. And the machinery must only provide the most convenient GUIs and the simplest systems possible for us.

A remark on simplicity: if we talk about anything in any ontologies or systems of coordinates & we have goals as areas in these systems and we want to get there the quickest way possible, the path will strike for the simplicity & will probably have zeros on some axes & that math isn't hard at all.

Let's conclude:

2nd CONSENSUS: The system and the GUI must be as simple as possible, and all the decisions are upon us the choice-makers.

The first question of the real consideration is that of a duality of two entities to choose from and how the choice must affect the rating. It is indeed a question, because the basic Elo rating system still has numbers there are experimental and results tend to shift towards some locals. But for now, let's take the Elo.

3nd CONSENSUS: Elo rating system fits us well.

Chess and many online games have been using it for a long time. With each decision, the winner gets some amount of score points from the loser. This amount is defined by the difference between their score points.

This builds the score rating which can give us unexpected and useful insights and severely improves our decisions fast, and that's what we want.

First implementations

Let's describe them as they come to mind:

  1. Simple MASH
  2. MASH with entities having inherent values
  3. These vales are initial & changeable. RADICAL MASH & BANDIT MASH

If we have just one choicemaker and we want the most explicit rating, we can use a heapsort algorithm that will give us a minimum number of choices, but that's still a lot - for instance, 500 pairs for me and a set of 70 fragrances. In heapsort MASH new choices can affect the rating too much, so you wouldn't be able to skip a pair. And what if you'd want to reconsider?

Random choice of pairs is a better way to go, it will give us more insights sooner in the most cases & a lot of people can contribute.

Let's describe the features of how the basic MASH works shortly:

We upload a set of items (images or text in current implementation) to make choices about.

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