Market Intelligence & Analytics Manager (1 year contract) в VEON

Market Intelligence & Analytics Manager (1 year contract) в VEON

Within 30 days you will:

Attend and graduate from our company-wide training for newcomers where you will learn VEON’s values, business, and product

Have directed one-on-ones with members of Global Device Management team and Device Management teams in OpCos to understand specifics of our work and how we contribute to the overall success and you will have introduction of working process

You will start working on KPIs ANALYTICS AND REPORTING for the device management function in Group and across our 11 operating companies, including –

—      Generate & maintain KPIs and intelligence for our markets to enable effective management and execution of device management operations

—      Monthly KPI tracking, including high-quality insights and analysis: track Devices team main KPIs – smartphone sales, VBD / ODM sales, smartphone penetration, device revenue - or other device management KPIs in future

—      Drive, propose, implement and follow up KPIs for the devices team

—      Prepare KPI templates, share with opcos, gather data, analyse data, interpret and prepare summaries and insights for management

—      Follow up performance


Within 60 days you will:


—      Preparation of annual planning process for device management, including capturing and reviewing KPIs from each opco (volumes, revenues, SP penetrations, market share etc), device management strategy

—      Gather data for each OpCo and consolidate forecasts into overall Veon Group targets.

—      Update forecast each quarter based on actuals for 3+9, 6+6, 9+3 etc


—      Gather information on devices market from external data providers to enhance our knowledge of customer needs, trends, behaviors, forecasts etc (Gfk, GSMA, Strategy Analytics, other industry analysts)

—      Work with opco device teams to interpret and analyse external data sources to develop best understanding of devices data and intelligence in our markets

—      Support OpCos with market forecasts and trends presentations, reporting etc


Within 90 days you will:

Develop and implement group wide, regional and country specific transformation / business improvement projects with the device management teams in the operating companies, and also work on OTHER STRATEGY AND OPERATIONS ACTIVITIES, such as -

—      Gather inputs from device management teams in the opcos for regular device management operations calls

—      Prepare presentations and reports for senior management meetings, device management board meetings, briefing documents for supplier meetings, and other events

—      Strategic projects eg benchmarking

—      Represent OpCos at group level

—      Best practice sharing


List max 3 must have past experiences the best candidate should have

7+ years of experience as a market analyst or market intelligence in a large company, eg handset manufacturer, telco, research department of a reputable financial institution/rating agency.

Experience in gathering data, analysing data, building effective working relationships with people across many different markets, producing reports, making presentations, conveying insights in an efficient manner.


List max 5 must have technologies the candidate should have. 

Genuine interest in consumer technology - mobile phones, wearables, devices, etc and sound knowledge of the mobile handset markets

Proficiency in Excel and PowerPoint. Experience with other more sophisticated IT tools is welcome, eg databases, tools for creating complex charts etc


Soft skills must have: 

Highly numerate, very sound commercial skills.

Strong analytical skills, draw relevant conclusions and communicate them within a dynamic environment.

Ability to prioritize and manage multiple assignments simultaneously.

Well organized, strong administrative and detail oriented skills.

Fluent English and Russian. 


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