Market Access and Pricing Manager в Novartis

Market Access and Pricing Manager в Novartis

Job Description

Define Country pricing strategy (taking into consideration Global Pricing Strategy, information about competitors` pric-ing strategies and their prices for new products, supposed commercial policy for this product, participation in govern-mental/regional reimbursement programs and other factors that influence the price). 

• Establish target prices for products in coordination with HQ Pricing and pricing heads in other Countries, based on analysis of benefits provided, relevant health economics, development costs, competitor substitutes available, and other market dynamics (i.e. market elasticity) 

• To analyze and report to the CPO top-management the possible ways of revenue Maximization for marketed products across the portfolio through insight into country P&R schemes 

• Input local P&R requirements into Global pricing strategies for new products. The adaptation of the Global policy is done in collaboration with Marketing and Commercial Dept specialists. The process includes thorough analysis of the new product competitors, supposed commercial policy for this product and other conditions of promotion and sales. The adopted pricing policy should be approved globally. 

• Preparation of price application according to local regulation 

• Follow-up of any price change 

• Follow-up the prices of products included into governmental/regional lists and conditions of participation in the governmental/regional programs (in collaboration with Reimbursement managers). If the changes are needed – the request should be applied. 

• Correspond to the requests of MoH related to the prices of in-market products 

• Assure implementation of the changes in pricing legal regulation 

• Calculate the impact of the price changes on the sales budget and prepare/ propose a strategy accordingly. This work should be done in close collaboration with BPAs. 

• Disseminate information about any price changes or legal pricing regulations to internal stakeholders of the Com-pany 

• Follow-up and compare the prices in the Atlantis, SAP databases. Timely input changes into PARIS system (includ-ing information about valid governmental pricing regulation and P&R system) 

• Archive all price applications and correspondence with the MoH 

• Assure the completeness and correctness of the price list published by MoH or other state structure that is respon-sible for the list conducting 

• Manage Pricing group for country leading employee selection, retention and development 

• • Proactively engages in a dialogue with key stakeholders to seek reasonable solutions to the strategic issues that affect The Company HIV, Multiple sclerosis products and operations, being prepared to mount, when necessary, vig-orous strategies to preserve The Company most fundamental business interests in the closed cooperation with Busi-ness: 

- Establishes/maintains of a high-level professional network within the Federal/Regional Government authori-ties, Healthcare providers, Health Economic organizations and other relevant decision making representa-tives; 

- Creation and approval of commercial terms on HIV, Multiple sclerosis products basing on pharmacoeconom-ic analysis of hospital products 

- Creation and approval of launch strategy for HIV, Multiple sclerosis products 

- Mapping of Stakeholders and Partners 

• Oversee advocacy activities directed at the government, legislative and regulatory bodies, particularly in the areas of reimbursement/pricing in order to create an optimal business environment 

• Monitoring changes in legislation in the field of regulation of prices for

Minimum requirements

  • Higher degree in chemistry, biology, medicine, or in the field of economic and finance, degree in finance or economics as a plus 
  • English (fluent) 

• Prior experience in the pharmaceutical industry as pricing and market access manager or health authorities from 3 years 

• Sufficient knowledge of Reimbursement processes and commercial principles 

• Successful experience in reimbursement 

• Proven ability to develop trust-based relationships with key stakeholders 

• Excellent negotiation skills 

• Strong analytical skills 

• Experience of 360 degrees communication strategy development and implementation.


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