


## Something Extra

So, most popular OS are Linux and Windows, and both support Python3. Mac users, I don't care about you, or what you have to say.

I have learnt fundamentals about *Bash* and *Batch* programming. I must say, it is way too much convoluted. However, my banters aside; I have written simple runner programs for **Text_Repeat**. What does it do?

 - Check if your internet is working (kinda redundant, but you can repurpose it for something else)

 - Check if Python v3.x is installed

 - Check if Pip (Windows) and Pip3 (Linux) is installed

 - Install/ Update Selenium

 - Run ****

## How to Run

I must add that you can run **** without these runner files as of now. I have a plan to integrate **Text_Repeat script** into it, so that you can run it with ease.


In the directory where you have downloaded `` and all the files from Text_Repeat, open terminal and type: `./`


 - Right click on `Runner.bat` and select **Run as administrator**


 - Open CMD in **Administrator** mode. `Win+S`>Type`CMD`>Select `Run as administrator`

 - Copy and Paste: `C:\Users\%USERNAME%\Downloads\Runner.bat`, (assuming you have downloaded Runner.bat and files from Text_Repeat in Downloads folder).


 ## Something's Wrong

 - If you are not connected to Internet: `No Internet Connectivity`

 - If Python v3.x is not found/ installed: `Python3 is not Found`

 - If Pip3 is not found/ installed: `Pip3 is not Found`

 - If is not found: `<Your Username> did something wrong`


 [//]: # (Linux: echo "$USER")


 @echo off

if exist "images.txt" (

echo File exists

notepad images.txt

)else (

echo File doesnot exist)


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