

What gets measured gets managed.

ㅡ Peter Ducker

Every month, I aim to meet three main goals. This is my way of tracking my improvements, or if I'm aligned with my values and goals. So, for this month, I have a set of three goals again: 

1. Brush my teeth 3x a day

2. Enroll in a baking/pastry class

3. Learn how to install linux and install it on my laptop

Kudos to me for meeting February goals. I deserve a crown, don't I?

I know that last February, I was able to reach my top 3 goals, and I couldn't be more proud of myself; yet I also know that past results do not guarantee future performance. Why self-deprecating much? I'm not. I simply do not identify myself with the outcome anymore. There's only so much I can control, and remember that adage? Man plans. God laughs.

So, while I can have certain control on whether I will do my goals or not, random things can happen that might interrupt me from meeting them, and that's okay.

I can always tell myself to try again, and in life, you actually get plenty of chances to try again next time. Screw scarcity mindset. Here's an example. I'm going to try brushing my teeth 3x a day this month again. For those who are not aware, this was actually one of my February miscellaneous goals, and you know what happened ㅡ I wasn't able to do that, so let me do that this month.

Moreover, I always have some set of miscellaneous goals to add on my top three goals. For this month, they will be:

🔴meeting more like-minded people

🔴creating artwork once a week

🔴learn a new song to play on my guitar

🔴write a day

🔴finish one book

🔴treat my mom for a body massage 

🔴buy my sister a gift

That's it. Now, it's time for me to get some rest. Oh wait, I have to brush my teeth first.


Yaki writes and makes artworks about anything that interests her. She's one of those people who think that the second law of thermodynamics is a bit depressing, although she claims to be contributing to entropy since birth. She likes hunting and playing around with not-yet-mainstream, privacy-oriented apps. On her spare time, she likes laying down and consuming non-fiction books.

Connect with her on Telegram: @sifuyaki

Get to know her more here.

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