

Lucky Rosin

Hello! This is a manual about how to work and make $$$. There will be communication templates, tips and directly how to work.

How to work, what is the essence of work

Your job is phishing and scamming on the Facebook Market. You will have to put up your product for sale (clothes, game consoles, Apple products, for example), and then offer to send the goods by Lungta delivery (if you work France) or InPost (if you work Poland). Then you must ask the buyer to pay for DELIVERY (not the product). After that, send the link generated in our Telegram bot directly to Facebook. When the buyer follows the link and enters his card details, we will steal all the money from CC.
We will work in France and Poland, but don't worry if you are not from these countries!

1. Taking into account all security measures, you must register a Facebook account from a Polish or French IP address. A VPN or proxy is perfect for this.
2. Place an avatar on your Facebook page, a couple of posts to make it seem like you are a real person.
3. Place your ad for the sale of a product on Facebook Market. The product can be a smartphone, game console, video games for the console, clothing, branded shoes, and more.
4. When people write to you and want to buy a product, seem like a kind person, arrange the interlocutor to yourself. Then offer to pay for the goods through Lungta or Inpost and ask to pay for the delivery.
5. Generate a link in our Telegram bot and send it to the "buyer".

What can you sell?

You can sell any items that can be sent via shipping. These can be phones (iPhones may sell especially well), gaming laptops, consoles, appliances, TVs.

For all questions, you can contact @luckyrosin
Link to our bot in Telegram - @whitenightmafbot


Buyer, mammoth, victim - the one to whom you send the phishing link.

Good work and hunting on buyers

, worker!

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