

Manual TrapStar Team

SlimexxxNovember 06, 2023

Once your accounts are spammed, victims will start replying to you.

The messages in the manual are in order, as they should be in correspondence with the victim. 

(In the beginning after spamming you can immediately ask, where did you find me? Who are you, how do you know me? And similar        

1) I just found some chat rooms and wrote to a few people and you replied first (short reply)

2) I saw you in a chat room, I wrote to some people from different chat rooms, but I spammed them in my dm and you answered me first, Also my friends can't help me because they are from my country, so I'm looking for help in Telegram

(more detailed answer if victim start asking questions). if victim start asking questions in this direction (the questions above)))


If victim didn't ask and just said hello. 

Hey bro, what do you need? Yo , Wtw? Wyw? (They can use such abbreviations, just google them right away to understand them and that's it, then they can also be used to get the victim to like you, that is to show them that you have something in common in communication and thinking, in short) So, then we just reply according to the manual after they come (manual messages come in blocks and if you see several messages together here, it means they are sent together but one message at a time.

my coins (btc) stuck on exchange 

can you help if you take %?


After the first two messages there are two options 

1)They agree with you and say ok or tell me why and so on, i.e. they ask you leading questions on the topic and you answer them three messages below. 

2) You may be asked questions off-topic, you answer them and then the topic continues to go back to the topic, i.e. messages below, for example you may be asked where you are from - the answer is Bolivia (according to the manual we are from Bolivia, as crypto is blocked there since 2014, but to trade and withdraw money we traveled to another country - Spain. They may ask what kind of exchange - just throw a link. May ask for a screenshot of the roller - just throw it. Questions on the topic - willingly answer, but if the victim begins to impose their method of solution you must say no and that he / she listened to you and what you say, you do not need to waste time with a person if he does not listen to you and starts some bullshit you carry.                                  



cant withdraw since crypto ban in my country

support says can do internal transfer users this platform only

where you from?

Here often victims can also ask where you are from or something on the topic of blockchain crypto, but most often write the country and that's it, anyway after every positive response from the victim we continue to go through the manual



 A very important point, you MUST SEND A SCREENSHOT OF BALANCE AND TALK, because the victim if and agree to help but not for nothing!

 i can give u 5-10%

(+screenshot of balance)

Further, victims agree most often, some may say that oh I do not need a percentage I will help for free - it does not matter (they so suck up in trust in the hope of stealing your money) - we answer them further BUT some may start asking for a huge percentage, 50 is nonsense maximum 20-25 but see for yourself, everyone has his own threshold.

 i should send to your account in that exchange

since my acc can send only to people on this platform

so you can send me

Link to the exchange (https required)

signup and send your BTC address on that exchange

(if the victim sent the wrong address, not from our exchange, an error will appear when trying to make a transfer)

i said my wihtdraws are blocked, to other platforms

(+error screen)

send me btc address from this platform


(if the victim is logged in and sends the correct address, you will see that the transfer went through, take a screenshot of the transfer history and send it to him (ALWAYS REFRESH THE PAGE AFTER THE TRANSFER TO MAKE IT REFLECT IN THE HISTORY)



send 0.094 BTC to my address,withdraw yours too 0.024 BTC

(The amount here is approximate, everyone has his own)


its new rule i think... because when i registered i didnt see errors, or i just deposited in first...

they ask deposit because your account new i think

 1) (victim: "i can deposit" etc., i.e. victim wants to make a deposit) 

           ok then u can take 15%

   sorry bro i cant deposit cause all my money there

       how much time u need to deposit?

   they withdraw me before when i was in another country

           (+screen of withdraws)

       so they should withdraw it


2) (victim: all messages except "i can deposit" and so on, i.e. the victim does not want to make a deposit)              

send back then and i will try to find someone who can deposit for bigger %


they withdrew me before when i was in another country

(+screen of withdraws)


If the victim asks you to make a deposit - if i had money I would deposit/ all my money on ur account, I don't have more../ I don't have fucking money on deposit, if I had I would send, I sent u all my money and so on 


Then we ask the victim to give us the account!

then change password and give me account

i will try to find someone who can deposit it for %.

they are in many crypto websites so they should withdraw it

links to news


change mail and pass to mine 

(If the victim doesn't want to give me an account because of personal information)


I am waiting for account 5/10/15 minutes, if you dont give me account I am gonna report you for keeping my money!

(If the victim ignores you or doesn't want to give you an account and just wastes your time)


ok fucking idiot wait report for keeping my money.

let me take laptop and screenshot everything

they in many crypto websites

Links to news 

dont delete messages and ur telegram bitch

(This is the last point of the report, that is after warnings from your side the victim continues to ignore or waste time - throw this, it's called REPORT). 

And also if the victim ignores you or doesn't do what you ask at any stage after you've dropped the bit, you start making warnings in stages and eventually a report if the victim doesn't respond to what you say or continues to bullshit.


Now let's go through the messages that you should have but they are not always used 

i was investing at low btc price when i was in another country.

(If the victim asks where you got the money from, if he asks if you stole it or where you got it all from)

i cant login right now because can be banned for multiaccount

but i will try to find someone to help but not sure if they will take my account and block me.

(We only use this after the victim has given up the account, if the victim agreed to give up the account and gave you the email and password or you gave your password - it doesn't matter, GIVE UP THE ACCOUNT - these two messages. 

i dont trust anyone but i dont have other ways

because all my fcking money stuck there

and i need my funds today to pay my bills.

my friends cant help me, they are from my country....

(These four messages can be thrown separately at different stages depending on the situation, but often we throw them like this when the victim starts asking about trust, like How can you trust me? How you can trust random people and similar)

crypto is banned in my country by the government, i prefer to stay anonimity to be in safety

(If the victim asks you for a photo or any other personal information)

It's internal transfer it can't be on blockchain. 

I said my withdrawals blocked 🤦‍♂️

(If the victim tells you after you transferred the bitcoin that it can't be on blockchain)















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