

Eastern Resistance Movement

đź”· The Eastern Resistance Movement is an organization that aims to build a New Europe of Nations by creating an Eastern European Confederation based on European (white) nationalism, conservatism and National Socialism.

Why Eastern Europe? Because for many years Eastern Europe was a bridge between the wild and underdeveloped east and the progressive west. During all these times, Eastern Europe has formed its own mentality. Eastern Europe is the last frontier of conservatism in Europe due to the cultural, social and spiritual decline of Western Europe and the United States. By «Eastern Europe» we mean the territory of all Slavic countries, modern Hungary, Romania, Moldova and the Baltic countries.

What is our ideology? Our ideology is the preservation of European identity and racial purity. You can read more about it in our program below.

We plan to create a branch office throughout Eastern Europe based on a hierarchy. In each country there will be a city/district center, it will be subordinated to regional, and regional to national.

đź”· Our program:

1. The unification of all of Eastern Europe into a single confederation, with the right to preserve the culture and identity of each people

2. Equality for every European living in the Eastern European Confederation

3. Creating conditions for the multiplication of our people and for a successful way out of the demographic crisis.

4. The entire population of each republic of Eastern European Confederation will be divided into two categories: «ethnic sitizens» and «not ethnic citizens».

•«Ethnic sitizens» are a white population of republic who belong to the nation of this republic, speak language of this republic, know history and culture of this republic. The right to participate in governing the state, the right to make laws, the right to regulate the activities of the state in any other way can belong only to ethnic sitizens, confirming their benefit to society and demonstrating an understanding of history and politics. We demand that every public position in each republic be held only by representatives of the «ethnic sitizens» who have passed strict selection.

•«Not ethnic citizens» are the white population of republic who are representatives of other European nationalities who are natives of this republic or migrants from other European countries. «Not ethnic citizens» can become «ethnic citizens» by passing a selection test that tests their knowledge of the language, culture and history of this republic.

Anyone who does not belong to these two groups can live in the republic as a foreigner.

5. Our state will be socially oriented towards its citizens, providing them with decent wages, living conditions and provisions.

5. Any further immigration of foreigners from non-European countries will be stopped.

6. We are categorically against the opening of the land market, because land is the living space of our people. We demand the implementation of land reform in the national interest, the adoption of a law on uncompensated withdrawal of land for public use.

7. Prohibition of interracial relations, in order to preserve our racial identity. We demand the creation of a healthy Race and the destruction of all factors that oppose it.

8. Elimination of the system of «parliamentary democracy» for the period of settlement of all internal problems of the state.

9. Immediate transfer of large enterprises to communal ownership, their lease at low prices to small producers. Strict control over the provision of support to small producers at all levels: at the state, regional and municipal levels.

10. Announcement of brutal struggle against violators of public interests. These include: traitors, corrupt officials and others. Their activities must be curtailed and severely punished.

11. We will begin to implement the equalization of the economy, the creation of a full-fledged middle class and its preservation, as well as the establishment of social elevators for people of great talent.

12. Elimination of false media that distribute false materials in order to serve someone's interests. The state media will no longer be able to deceive people and divert their attention from common problems. Freedom of speech and discussion in our country is a mandatory right of every citizen.

13. Religious freedom of every citizen, if his religion is based on elements of European traditions. Any anti-European worldview will be removed from our state.

14. Army reform. Turning it from an intimidating element for every young man into a real school of life, raising the best sons of his nation.

đź”· Fundamentals of our ideology:

• Nordicism

According to the racial theory of Hans GĂĽnther, Joseph Arthur de Gobino and Georges Vache de Lapuge, the Nordic type of white race is the most racially pure and ideal of all types of white race. The essence of Nordicism is the improvement of Europe's gene pool and the normalization of the white race. We must increase not only the population of our race, but also its quality. Nordicism has nothing to do with racism or racial chauvinism. We must improve the quality of our race, not create hatred or competition between races.

• Statism

Statism is the belief that the state must control both economic and social policies, or each of them to some extent. Statism is positioned as a counterweight to anarchism. This is a sociological theory that justifies the need for active state intervention in the economic and political life of society, which considers it as the highest result and goal of development.

In our opinion, statism is necessary for our state in order to prevent the oligarchs from monopolizing the market and getting rich at the expense of ordinary citizens.

• Pan-Europe

We are in favor of uniting the whole of Europe into a single union, or confederation, which has nothing to do with the modern European Union. Preserving European culture and identity is our priority.

• White shirts

All people associate the National Socialists with some thieves and haters. It even comes to the point that we are almost accused of cannibalism. In order to remove this false stereotype and create a new image, we suggest everyone to wear white shirts. Imagine how people would react if, instead of haters, they saw people neatly dressed in white shirts. Ordinary people will have dissonance and curiosity about our movement.

• Religion

We strongly oppose any religion at the state level. We also advocate the elimination of any religion of non-European origin.

In today's world, religion is of no use to our race, it only divides our people. As an alternative to religion, we offer the construction of small temples in which everyone can be alone, meditate, and get to know themselves.

Paganism will receive some support because it is not a religion per se. Modern paganism is a cultural and traditional trend in which a person learns his own past, through the reconstruction of ancient rites.

• Jagiellonian Cross

The Jagiellonian (double) cross (‡) is a symbol of the Jagiellonian dynasty (Jagiellonians, Jagiellowicz). It is a European monarchical dynasty that ruled in Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Ruthenia. Jagiellonians are a branch of the Lithuanian princely dynasty of Gediminas. Representatives of the Jagiellonian dynasty also ruled in the Czech Republic and Hungary.

The Jagiellonian dynasty descended from Prince Jagiello, in 1386, after marrying Polish Queen Jadwiga, he became King of Poland under the name of Wladyslaw II. Jagiello was the great-grandson of the Galician-Volyn prince and king of Ruthenia, Yuri I Lvovich and the great-great-great-grandson of King Danylo Halytsky.

Why the Jagiellonian Cross?

For many years, the Jagiellonian Cross has symbolized the unity and common roots of the peoples of Eastern Europe, so it should be the emblem of the Eastern European Confederation.

Under this cross may our land and its peoples become majestic!

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