OBJECT OF MAGE KNIGHT: The objective of Mage Knight is to complete the desired scenario and win based on the scoring mechanism for that scenario.

NUMBER OF PLAYERS: 2 to 4 Players

MATERIALS: One Hundred and Sixty-Eight Deed Cards, Forty Unit Cards, Twelve Tactic Cards, Four Hero Cards, Four Skill Cards, Seven Site Cards, a Scoring Card, Four City Cards, One hundred and Twenty-Eight Hero Tokens, Sixty Enemy Tokens, Twelve Ruin Tokens, Twenty Map Tiles, Two Game Mats, Four Hero Figures, Four City Figures, Fifty Four Mana Crystals, Seven Dice, and Two Rulebooks

TYPE OF GAME: Role Play Board Game



Mage Knight is played according to varying scenarios. These scenarios set the parameters and determine the goals of the game. There is a difference with every play, different maps, cards, and enemies. “The First Reconnaissance” is the best scenario to start with, as it gets you acclimated to the way the game flows.

The game is played in rounds that represent daytime and nighttime. Throughout the game, players may complete different activities during their turn by using the cards they have in their hand. Players may also see improvement of their Heroes as the game progresses. This improvement is earned through completion of deeds, hiring help, or the use of artifacts and spells!


To begin setup, the group must first choose a scenario. First Reconnaissance is the scenario in which this setup applies to. This scenario is great for beginners and players newly learning the game. 키워드

Players then decide which order in which they would like to make their Hero selection. Players then choose an available Hero and all of the associated components. The player will then place the Hero’s Order token on the table. They will be placed in a column like formation, with the player who chose first placed on top of the column.

Game Setup

The game should be setup like in the image below.

When the Fame and Reputation board has been placed, players place one Shield token on the 0 space of it and one on the 0 space found on the Reputation Track. Enemy Token Piles, the Artifact Deck, and the Wound Pile are each shuffled separately and placed in their designated place.

Shuffle the Spell Deck and place them in their designated area. The first three should be revealed to act as the offer. The Action Deck is prepared the same way.

 The Regular Unit Deck is shuffled and separated by color, creating two face down stacks. Create the Unit Offer by flipping as many cards from the Silver deck as there are players and then two additional.

The board should be placed dayside up at the beginning of the game. Each round it will be flipped at the beginning of the round. Create the Tile Deck, placing the Countryside Tiles on top of the Core Tiles. You should use eight to eleven Countryside Tiles, one Core City Tile, and two Core Non-City Tiles for this scenario.

Player Area Setup

The player’s area is found directly in front of them. Players should place their hero cards to the left, with Level 1 Tokens on the left of those. Their Deed Deck may be placed underneath their Hero Card, with Skill Tokens on the left side of the Deed Deck.

Shield Tokens are placed on the right side of the player’s area, and Skill Description Cards are placed under those.

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