Made in Abyss

Made in Abyss


[🇯🇵] メイドインアビス


The "Abyss" is the last unexplored place in the world. Strange and wonderful creatures roam within, and it is full of precious relics that present humans can't recreate. Those that dare to explore the depths are known as "Cave Raiders." An orphan girl named Riko lives on the rim. Her dream is to become a Cave Raider like her mother and solve the mysteries of the cave system. One day, Riko starts exploring the caves and discovers a robot who resembles a human boy.

(Source: Anime News Network, edited)
Note: The last episode aired with a runtime of ~48 minutes as opposed to the standard 24 minute long episode.

Main Characters:


🇯🇵 リコ

Character ID: 122443

About Character and Role:

Occupation: Delver
Relatives: Lyza (mother), Torka (father)
Status: Resurrected

Riko is the only child of the legendary White Whistle Lyza, the Annihilator. When she was two, her mother began her last dive to the bottom of the abyss. She was left under the care of the Belchero Orphanage. Her dream is to become a White Whistle, a legendary type of Delver, and explore the depths of the abyss to learn its many secrets and find her mother.

Riko is a short girl with a plain face, green eyes, and long blonde hair styled in two ponytails, always wearing glasses. She’s a good-natured, joyful, and energetic child. She has a quick and inquisitive mind, gathering and properly organizing all the information available on subjects that interest her. Growing up, she diligently studied to become a Delver like her mother was, enchanted by its mysteries and secrets. By the age of twelve, she had become an Apprentice Delver with the right to explore the shallowest level of the abyss on her own. Compared to Reg, she is fragile and lacking in physical prowess. However, her ability to keep a cool head under pressure to make rational decisions allows her to tackle the abyss.

When Lyza had just become pregnant with her, she was ordered to lead an expedition squad to retrieve a the Unheard Bell relic from the 4th layer.

Eventually, Riko was born in the depths of the abyss near the end of the mission after the decimated group had obtained the relic. It all took a turn for the worst when Riko was stillborn, throwing Lyza into a severe depression. Lyza’s mentor, Ozen, was so annoyed at the dead child for having sent Lyza into such a state and delaying their mission to retrieve the Unheard Bell that she shoved Riko’s corpse into the Curse-Warding Box so she wouldn’t have to deal with it. However, much to everybody’s surprise, sounds started coming from within the box, and when it was opened, Riko was revealed to be alive.

Having confirmed her newborn’s resurrection, Lyza helped Ozen carry the extremely heavy Curse-Warding Box from the 4th layer up to the Seeker Camp. Riko was brought to the surface, where she lived a healthy childhood in Lyza’s care and in the care of Jiruo when Lyza was not around.

Curiously, Riko is the only being that has survived for a significant amount of time after being resurrected by the Curse-Warding Box. Most things put inside of it live only for a short period before dying again. It is suggested that Riko’s life is connected to the abyss itself and her desire to explore the Abyss may be partially from the Curse-Warding Box, as all life resurrected by it instinctively seek the center of the Abyss.

During Riko’s and Reg’s descent to the 4th layer, they are attacked by an Orb Piercer. In the battle, Riko’s hand gets stabbed by one of the Orb Piercer’s venomous needles. Reg prepares a makeshift tourniquet out of some rope to restrict the poison spreading to other parts of her body. Having no way to retaliate, they decide to flee by ascending with Reg’s arms. The thus-incurred strains of ascending of the 5th layer and, because of the proximity to it, 4th layer causes Riko to bleed out of every orifice in her body and hallucinate. Riko instructs Reg to cut off her arm to stop the venom from spreading, but because of Reg’s hesitation, he makes a crude cut, causing more harm than good. Shortly afterward, Riko loses consciousness, leaving Reg in despair.

Nanachi reveals themself to Reg, due to seeing him crying over Riko’s body. Because the two’s relationship reminds Nanachi of their relationship with Mitty, Nanachi decides to aid them, gives Reg instructions to resuscitate Riko, and takes them to Nanachi’s hideout. During their stay, Riko is in an unconscious state and only recovers after she receives the medicine Nanachi made for her.

In the recovery process, Nanachi has to fix Riko’s arm injury caused by Reg’s unseemly cut. This process is painful and leaves Riko’s arm debilitated and with a scar.

During the night in the 5th later at Ido Front, Riko searches for a bathroom and is almost inflicted with the curse due to trying to go up a staircase, but is saved by Prushka. The two of them spend time afterwards, become friends.

During the second stage of the fight between Bondrewd and Reg, Bondrewd reveals that he turned Prushka into a cartridge. This revelation causes Riko to be shaken up to tears because Prushka was a good friend to her. After Bondrewd’s defeat, resulting him to be cut in half, Riko holds Prushka’s cartridge close to her and cries. At that moment, a stone, like one needed to craft a personal White Whistle, comes out of the cartridge. Nanachi tells Riko that Prushka most likely assumed the form of the stone to be able to travel along with Riko, which relieves Riko a bit. Nanachi makes a harness so Riko can wear Prushka’s stone around her neck, earning Riko the title of White Whistle. This earns Riko the title of White Whistle, but is unlikely to be documented due to her group’s journey to 6th layer — the point of no return. This also makes Riko the only known person to be in possession of two White Whistles (Prushka’s and Lyza’s).

(Source: Made in Abyss Wiki, edited)


🇯🇵 レグ

Character ID: 122444

About Character and Role:

Reg is a robotic being who appears to be a little boy. His actual age, origins, and even name are unknown because he cannot recall anything about his life before his encounter with Riko. He is named after a dog Riko used to have. Having a seemingly artificial body, Reg might be the only being completely immune to the Curse of the Abyss. Because of this, he is sometimes referred to as "The Treasure of the Deep."

Reg has tanned skin and dark hair. He wears a metal helmet with two asymmetrical horns protruding out of the sides and what appears to be a glass lens in the front. Underneath his helmet is a jagged metal headband of some sort, with bolts on either side keeping it in place on his head. His ears are slightly pointed. Reg’s eyes are yellow, and his pupils are catlike, vertical slits. There are two red patches of skin on his cheeks, and four more on either side of his rib cage. His eyebrows are small and gray. Though he is a robot, the only parts of him that appear to be mechanical are his arms and legs, which are bulky compared to the rest of his body.

The glass lens on Reg’s helmet lights up and represents the number of incinerator charges left.

Reg’s body is extremely durable, even to the point that Ozen the Immovable couldn’t break him even when slamming him into the floor with all her strength. Despite his high durability, Reg is agile and weighs little. His wounds heal at a faster rate than a human’s, and has a very high pain tolerance. His senses of smell and hearing are strong, one comparable to a dog. His arms can extend up to 40 meters each and can shoot them to the top of cliffs or grab things very far away. The cords attached are very durable. He is also equipped with an incinerator, which is a powerful incendiary cannon built into his hands and feet, emitting a beam of light, indicating the area to eliminate, penetrating through objects. Objects within the range of the light break apart and are absorbed into the spinning axes. The incinerator is connected to the Abyss in an unknown way, having the power to rewrite the rules of the Abyss. Reg passes out for 2 hours upon use, but it can be fired multiple times in the 10-minute deadline, and can also be set to not affect living beings.

Despite being a formidable fighter, Reg is rather shy, naive, and unassertive. He blushes easily and often cries when in distress. However, when forced into danger or an unpleasant situation, he is shown to be hot-tempered and sharp, compared to Riko's analytic, noncombatant role. Regardless of his skittishness, Reg has made it his sworn duty to protect Riko and doesn't hesitate to put up a fight when she is in harm's way. According to Ozen, the way he speaks and handles his body is similar to Lyza. One of his favorite words to say is "irredeemable," which was a word that Lyza often said.

In the 5th later — during the night at Ido Front — Reg is taken away by the Umbra Hands and experimented on. They cut off his arm to analyze it.

In the 6th later, Reg is assaulted by a Turbinid-Dragon, but Gaburoon rescues him. The two have a short chat and Gaburoon tells Reg that he could be an Interference Unit similar to themself.

(Source: Made in Abyss Wiki, edited)

More Info:

Started On: 7/7/2017


• Kinema Citrus

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