

My love, Loenel Overloet.

Halo, kamu tau gak? ngedapetin kamu tuh suatu keberuntungan yang bikin aku seneng banget, aku ngerasa beruntung bisa milikin kamu. Jangan tanya lagi seberapa besar sayang aku ke kamu, sebesar bumi? sebesar matahari? sebesar galaxy? ❌❌❌ aku sayang kamu itu sebesar besar nya, ga bisa di ungkapin pake kata kata. I’m not lying, i really love you, i always love you, i don't care about anything, i just want you to believe that i love you. U're perfect in my eyes, i dont care what people thinking about you, u're still perfect. And you should know that i really love you, i could do better than “i love you 3000” or “i love you in every universe” i just.. love you 3000 in every universe. And you know i always love you moreee and more more more. Did i have to say this? i love you more, i love you more than anything, i always love you, even you're just a dust, i still love you, i'll protect you from any vacuum cleaner that dry to eat you, i still love you even you're just a little fly, you'd be the prettiest fly i’ve ever seen. I love you more than you could know, i’ll protect you from any danger, i’d be your favorite jacket so i can be with you whenever you need me, you're my favorite song, we're my favorite movie, our story is my favorite movie and you're my favorite character, i cant describe how i love you, but i love you always, and i’d be on your side whenever you need me, i'd love to be ur home, i'll be an honour to be ur favorite character in every single movies you've ever watch. One thing you should remember, i still love you whenever or whatever it takes, i dont care what you think about me, i dont care if you think that i am the weirdest boy u’ve ever meet, i still love you. I'm so lucky to have you darl. Soooooooo luckyyyyyyy. I'm so lucky to have you. Duh udah berapa kali ya aku bilang ini ke kamu? aku bilang berkali kali buat nunjukin ke kamu kalau aku emang seberuntung itu bisa jadi pacar kamu. But i'm sorry babe, if i'm not a good pacar :( maaf ya kalau aku masih banyak kurang nya. But i swear, i love you, and i'll never leave you. Aku bakal selalu ada disini sama kamu, ya. For you babe. Kalo kamu lagi cape bilang aku ya? aku bakal peluk kamu. Aku bakal siap sedia buat kamu, aku disini buat kamu. Kamu harus tau, i'm in lovee with you and all little things about you. The points is i'm really lucky to have you, and you don't doubt how much i love you.

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