

Перевод контекст lucky c английский на русский от Reverso Context lucky number, you re lucky , lucky enough, if you re lucky , i m lucky .
Жилой квартал Lucky от Vesper на улице 1905 года. Квартиры премиум класса с отделкой, включающей оборудованные ванные комнаты и кухни. Интерьеры class Z26q7c UK95Uc data sncf 2 data snf gdePb ‎ Ход строительства ‎ Контакты ‎ Новости function var uer false var eid fld_1 function var a google.c.wh0,b google.c.whu var c uer,d ,e google.c.sxs? load2 load if google.timers google.timers e .t var f 0 if eid var g document.getElementById eid g f Math.floor g.getBoundingClientRect .top window.pageYOffset b google.c.wh google.c.wh Math.floor window.innerHeight document.documentElement.clientHeight var h google.c.wh,k k a h? 1 f h for var l document.getElementsByTagName img ,m 0,n void 0 n l m google.c.setup n, 1,f k google.c.ubr 1,d,f, c .call this .Sth6v margin left auto .TbwUpd.ojE3Fb padding top 0 font size 12px line height 18px .LAWljd padding 0 4px 0 4px .LAWljd.BCF2pd padding 0 2px 0 0 text align center width 12px .dFd2Tb position relative .PhX2wd width 100 .ct3b9e line height 20px .dXiKIc display flex line height 1.58 max width 48em margin top 4px .U1TUId,.yZvQec border radius 8px height fit content justify content center margin right 20px margin top 4px position relative width fit content .mSA5Bd flex grow 1 .WKugpe padding top 8px .WKugpe empty display none .WKugpe div display inline block margin right 16px .AZJdrc position relative overflow hidden isolation isolate .LIna9b,.AZJdrc .kSFuOd position absolute top 0 left 0 bottom 0 right 0 .t7VAxe border radius 8px .AZJdrc.zGXzeb display table .uhHOwf position relative .uhHOwf after background color rgba 0,0,0,0.03 bottom 0 content display block left 0 pointer events none position absolute right 0 top 0 .uhHOwf img display block .BYbUcd overflow hidden .BYbUcd img height 100 width 100 .rkqHyd margin 6px 8px .Ylm8Fc left 50 line height 0 position absolute top 50 transform translate 50 , 50 .Ylm8Fc.YmeD8e margin top 3px .hDVnsf color fff opacity 0.87 .c8rnLc position absolute bottom 0 left 0 .flgn0c background color rgba 0,0,0,0.6 border radius 8px color fff font family arial,sans serif medium,sans serif font size 12px line height 14px padding 1px 8px text align center .Uroaid webkit box orient vertical display webkit box font size 14px webkit line clamp 2 line height 22px overflow hidden word break break word color 4d5156 .P7xzyf color 70757a font size 14px line height 20px margin top 12px .Zg1NU color 4d5156 .DqfBw overflow hidden opacity 0 z index 0 height 100 width 100 .VYkpsb display webkit box display webkit flex display flex height 100 width 100 media prefers reduced motion reduce .VYkpsb display none sentinel .ky4hfd display none .yG4QQe margin top 0px g section with header display block margin bottom 0 .U7izfe padding left 0px padding right 0px padding bottom 12px .e2BEnf font size 20px line height 1.3 .EQdXxd font family Google Sans,arial,sans serif title with lhs icon hover .ekf0x h3 color 1a0dab title with lhs icon .ekf0x color 202124 display block margin left 53px title with lhs icon .hSQtef.ekf0x display inline margin left 0 title with lhs icon hover .hSQtef.ekf0x color 1a0dab rcnt .ekf0x hover h3 text decoration none .iJ1Kvb display inline block line height 24px .GmE3X color 202124 display inline block margin right 12px position relative top 3px .s6JM6d res .GmE3X font size 22px .s6JM6d .GmE3X font size 22px .s6JM6d res .GmE3X line height 28px .s6JM6d .GmE3X line height 28px .s6JM6d .GmE3X max width 608px overflow hidden text overflow ellipsis vertical align text top white space nowrap .s6JM6d .GmE3X.kWYf3c max width 568px .iv236 color 70757a display inline block margin right 12px .dtIg1b display none margin right 12px title with lhs icon hover .kNmTT display none title with lhs icon hover .dtIg1b display inline block .ouRJZc display inline block position relative top 1px .WE2xI position relative .tYAdEe,.vT5nhd left 0 right 0 .Kq2KUc margin top 6px padding bottom 4px .BdG8Xe .dgdd6c padding 3px 0 5px .DZjrpb position relative .pIuSUd float right height 36px margin 0 position static width 36px visibility hidden .fwWsFc overflow hidden position relative width calc 100 36px float left .oBlg4e display inline block .ZkkK1e.ZkkK1e line height normal font family arial,sans serif .ZkkK1e color 3c4043 box sizing border box border radius 18px cursor pointer display inline block height 36px min width 36px position relative .ZkkK1e after bottom 7px content left 1px position absolute right 1px top 7px .ZkkK1e hover background f8f9fa .xaNsfc focus .ZkkK1e,a focus .ZkkK1e,.ZkkK1e focus background f8f9fa .ZkkK1e disabled cursor default opacity 0.38 .ZkkK1e selected .ZkkK1e forced animation forced chip animation 0.75s linear alternate 1 .zAoYTe .ZkkK1e selected not focus ,html not .zAoYTe .ZkkK1e selected outline 1px solid transparent .xaNsfc focus .ZkkK1e selected ,a focus .ZkkK1e selected ,.ZkkK1e selected focus .xaNsfc active .ZkkK1e selected ,a active .ZkkK1e selected ,.ZkkK1e selected active .gymTod background color rgba 0,0,0,.3 .gymTod img object fit cover .dgdd6c display inline block margin right 6px outline none padding 6px 0 .dgdd6c last child margin right 8px g scrolling 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d2e3fc .xaNsfc focus .ZkkK1e selected ,a focus .ZkkK1e selected ,.ZkkK1e selected focus border color 8ab4f8 color 174ea6 background d2e3fc .xaNsfc active .ZkkK1e selected ,a active .ZkkK1e selected ,.ZkkK1e selected active box shadow 0 1px 2px rgba 66,133,244,0.3 ,0 1px 3px 1px rgba 66,133,244,0.15 .xaNsfc active .ZkkK1e selected ,a active .ZkkK1e selected ,.ZkkK1e selected active color 174ea6 background e8f0fe .ZkkK1e selected hover color 174ea6 border color d2e3fc background d2e3fc .xaNsfc focus .ZkkK1e selected hover not active ,a focus .ZkkK1e selected hover not active ,.ZkkK1e selected hover focus not active border color d2e3fc background aecbfa sentinel .xlY4q line height 34px padding 0 8px .xlY4q font size 14px .xlY4q,.POUQwd,.XqKfz box sizing border box display inline block height 34px vertical align bottom .xlY4q.q3N1vb min width 46px padding 0 11px .xlY4q.VIZLse padding right 11px .POUQwd.WN4Zxc padding 7px 0 7px 11px .POUQwd.Rubttd padding 7px .POUQwd.z27Mgd padding 0 margin 1px 0 1px 1px height 32px width 32px border radius 50 overflow hidden .XqKfz padding 7px 11px 7px 0 .xlY4q.tClzdc padding left 11px sentinel .V8fWH border 0 clip rect 0 0 0 0 webkit clip path polygon 0 0,0 0,0 0 clip path polygon 0 0,0 0,0 0 height 1px margin 1px overflow hidden padding 0 position absolute width 1px white space nowrap webkit appearance none appearance none z index 1000 webkit user select none user select none sentinel .r95t border radius 2px height 24px background color 4285f4 color fff top 50 position absolute margin top 12px box shadow 0 2px 3px rgba 0,0,0,0.2 opacity 1 visibility inherit box sizing border box webkit transition opacity .3s,visibility .3s transition opacity .3s,visibility .3s .r95t.YdJLG opacity 0 visibility hidden .u1Rise padding right 11px background position 0 6px background size 11px 8px background repeat no repeat background image url data image png 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type g inner card.xIfh4d video webkit border top right radius 8px webkit border bottom right radius 8px .s6JM6d .ifM9O .GMCzAd,.cUnQKe .GMCzAd border radius 12px margin 16px .BfmEZb box sizing border box height 100 left 0 pointer events none position absolute top 0 width 100 .XOEbc img transition transform 200ms .dB3j8 .XOEbc img,.FnEtTd focus within .XOEbc img transform scale 1.15 .FnEtTd focus within outline none g inner card background color fff border radius 8px display block overflow hidden .wdQNof border 1px solid dadce0 border radius 8px box shadow none .B68O1d background color rgba 0,0,0,0.54 sentinel .yOdbtf position relative sentinel .UVSIcb word wrap break word .YB4h9 background color 1a73e8 color fff padding 18px 60px 18px 12px position relative .C85rO font size 20px .YB4h9 .Job8vb padding 20px position absolute right 0 top 0 .EIqaib padding top 6px position relative .QjI2jc color 70757a font style italic margin right 16px font size 12px .QjI2jc hover text decoration 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