

With love, MK.

Aku nggak bisa deskripsiin seberapa beruntung aku, karena nggak ada kata kata yang bisa ngejelasin itu semua. I am lucky to met a person like you, even though all humans are made imperfect but you are the best person I have met and I am grateful to know you. I just want to thanks God for meeting a person like you. A kind, caring, and a faithful person. Aku bener bener beruntung ketemu orang kayak kamu, dan semoga kamu juga ya..

I may rarely say this and this may sound cheesy because it is not the thing I say often, but I really love and treasure you since I met you. I really adore your figure. Aku pengen kamu ada disamping aku terus, sampai nnti kita ga bareng' lagi. I hope we are mature enough to understand that we complete each other. This is weird, but I love you to the moon and back as what I should, you deserve a word more than love but sadly, nggak ada kata kata kaya gitu di kamus..

Kayak yang aku udah bilang tadi, nggak ada manusia yang sempurna dan akupun sama. Thanks for staying by my side, thanks for staying with this imperfect being. Far from the word perfect, in fact. Thanks for doing this adventure together, I really appreciate all things you do and thanks for all things you have sacrificed to me. Your time, or anything that you have done. Thanks for being a great person, terimakasih udah mau bertahan sama aku yang kadang gajelas, bikin kamu sedih, ngebosenin. Semoga kamu nggak pernah bosen sama aku ya..

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