




-odac -dm3 --sample-accurate



sr   = 44100

ksmps = 100

nchnls = 2

; Lua code to generate a score in the orchestra header.

lua_exec {{

print (package.path)

local ffi = require("ffi")

local math = require("math")

local string = require("string")

local csoundApi = ffi.load("csoundandroid")

-- Declare the parts of the Csound API that we need.


  int csoundGetKsmps(void *);

  double csoundGetSr(void *);

  int csoundInputMessage(void *, const char *message);


-- Print that we have acquired the global Csound object.

print('csound:', csound)

-- Prove that the Csound API and object are working.

print('sr:', csoundApi.csoundGetSr(csound))

-- Compute a score using the logistic equation.

local c = .999938749

local y = 0.57

local y1 = 0.58

local interval = 1 / 5

local duration = 4 * interval

local insno = 1

local scoretime = 0.5

for i = 1, 200 do

  scoretime = scoretime + interval

  y1 = c * y * (1 - y) * 4

  y = y1

  local key = math.floor(36 + y * 60)

  local velocity = 80

  -- Format each iteration of the logistic equation as a Csound score event and schedule it.


  local message = string.format('i %d %9.4f %9.4f %9.4f %9.4f', insno, scoretime, duration, key, velocity)


  csoundApi.csoundInputMessage(csound, message)



gasendL init 0

gasendR init 0 

chnset   .5, "slider4"

      instr   1


      ; Simple FM instrument.


khz    =     cpsmidinn(p4)

kamplitude =     ampdb(p5) * 0.1

ktrackpady chnget   "slider1"

kcarrier  =     1 + 10 * ktrackpady

ktrackpadx chnget   "slider2"

kmodulator =     1 + 10 * ktrackpadx

iattack  =     0.03

irelease  =     0.1

isustain  =     p3

p3     =     iattack + isustain + irelease

      ; Intensity sidebands.

intensity chnget   "slider3"

kindex   line    intensity * 20, p3, 0.25

isine   ftgenonce 1, 0, 16384, 10, 1

asignal  foscili  kamplitude, khz, kcarrier, kmodulator, kindex, isine

adamping  linseg   0, iattack, 1, isustain, 1, irelease, 0

asignal  =     asignal * adamping

gasendL  =     gasendL + asignal

gasendR  =     gasendR + asignal


instr reverb

print p1, p2, p3

kreverbdelay chnget   "slider4"

aL,aR reverbsc gasendL, gasendR,kreverbdelay, 10000

outs aL, aR

clear gasendL, gasendR



alwayson "reverb"



f 0 3600



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