Love Potion

Love Potion

Shakala Guntur Praja

Do you know, how happy i am after knowing you? all look much different, bcs of you.

I feel so lucky to have you, so so lucky. You treat me so much good dan gak ada kata bosan untuk mengukir senyuman di bibirku.

I want to cheer you on, hold you in my warm embrace and stroke your soft hair. I want to be by your side as you fulfill your dreams and encourage you every step of the way. I want to make you laugh when you're having a bad day. I want to make you fall in love with me every single day.

I love you with everything i am, you truly my happy place the source of all my joy, happiness and love. I trust you, i admire you, i want you, we can fight and get mad each other, but nothing in this world can change the fact that, I love you.

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