

Yesterday Daniel and I celebrated 7 years since the day we first began dating, 2 years since the day we stood in front of the people we love most in the world and committed forever to each other. What we didn’t know or could prepare ourselves for that day, was how hard marriage would really be (at least for us.) And what you would never know from scrolling social media, is the amount of blood, sweat and tears we’ve poured into this relationship in these 7 short years. We have been on the brink of divorce in 2 years. We have experienced incredible and humbling career wins. We have created one beautiful, happy, healthy baby boy. We have cried so hard over our relationship strife, we’ve thrown up (ok, just me on that one). We’ve spent sleepless nights wondering how we’d ever make it through the dark seasons we found ourselves in. We’ve searched tirelessly for a place to call home—that would invest in us and love us and give us a place to heal. We’ve searched for (and are finding) God in ways we’ve never experienced before. We’ve had our flaws and shortcomings put on display for each other. We’ve fought. We’ve laughed. We’ve cried. We’ve prayed. We’ve been scared for our futures. We’ve experienced pain so deep our simple language can’t quite capture the depths of it. But we’ve experienced love. True, unconditional, reckless, love for each other. There isn’t a human on the planet that I would trust with my life the way I do you, Daniel. We have walked through fire together (once literally) and metaphorically more than once. And we probably will again. So what you don’t see in these photos, are those times. But what I hope you do see, is a couple who chooses love every single day, even when the feelings aren’t there. Love is messy. Love is unfair sometimes. Love is confusing, infuriating, and by far the most beautiful thing I’ve ever experienced in my life. Daniel, I didn’t know what I was promising you 7 or 2 years ago yesterday, but I have a better idea of it today and I would do it all over again. I love you so deeply. Thanks for fighting for me. For us. Happy 5 amazing years. ❤️

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