

You must reads this little message carefully, okay? 

The names below is my favorite person:

     rayhan      rayhan   rayhan      


      rayhan          rayhan               

   rayhan          rayhan    

          rayhan      rayhan


rayhan             rayhan   

Did you know, what a biggest reason that can make me happy for a whole longggg day? Just, go, go, and guess what it is! Yapp, that is you! A person who lights up my dark life. A shoulder where I can lean on, when I feel bad. You're too cutie precious for me. Thank you for came in my life. And, pleaseee don't ever think to leave me alone. Cause it can make me feeling sad. I also thankfully to you, for accept me as your gf, you're such a nice person, who can treat me like a queen, and babying me like a little princess at the right time. I'm sorry for being bad, or act like an annoyingly girl, sometimes. Hopefully we can spend our times together. Walking through the life, with you by my side. Let me fix what I've broken.. I feel bad. 


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