


There was a time when I thought I wouldn’t fall in-love. Love is… Not in the way we think it is, but if you pay attention. We fall in love when we feel the warmth of the sun on our faces in the morning. When we see the stars far away from us. When ocean waves calms our heart and its wind brings peaceful sounds. When we read a quote and it touches our hearts. When we see the unity of humanity in a cruel world. When we finally accept pain as an hidden blessing. When our “InshaAllah” becomes “Alhamdulillah”. Our hearts balances our bodies, it closes and opens, breaks and becomes whole again. Just like life, it moves and imitates the balances, within the darkest and beautiful moments. When you realise this, the peace within you is incomparable and continuous.

Love cannot be defined or captured by a word, but if you ever try to define love, your definition will need another definition. You can find true definition when you experience it. And your experience won’t be as the same as other.

Love for Allah Almighty is greater than any type of Love. When you get to it, no one can ever steal it from you and break it. Because, Allah will take care of your heart. "A woman should be so lost in her love with Allah, that a man has to fall in love with Allah to find her". How beautifully stated, amazingly advised. 

When Allah loves you, He places the love of you in the hearts of the people whose love is worth having. Rizq is not always wealth or money. Love is a form of rizq and you never know in whose heart your rizq is stored. Rizq also can be dua from someone who loves you for the sake of Allah. 

 "Body is purifed by water, self

 (nafs) is purifed by tears, intellect

 is purified by knowledge, and the

 soul is purified with love."

 -Imam Ali (RA)

Soulmate [soul-mate]. noun. A soul whom you immediately recognize the moment you meet. You are drawn to them like never experienced before. A love so deep, complex yet so pure that you doubt if you ever experienced love before. I pray you find someone like that.

Our Prophet (SAW) said: “I was nourished by her love” when he (SAW) was talking about the love of his life, Khadijah (RA) 

I just love the fact that in Islam we don't have the concept of "till death do us apart", but "till Jannah unites us together" and it always be beautiful 

For me love is something beyond what I think it is. Maybe I cannot express or share it, but I pray that we all get to it in the beautiful way with beautiful heart owners. 

Continued… Wait for part2 

How do you define love? What could be your answer when your children come to you and ask you about love? 

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