


I need to write this down, however nobody will come to my aid.

Im lost in life, and im being ripped apart by the thoughts in my head.

Family wants me out.

Friends are all but gone. They "like" for that social media gold star, but quickly run away when faced with "help, I need someone".

The people I liked to work with are gone, leaving for better lives. I don't blame them, but it leaves me with no desire to work.

I can't find something better because everything goes through a computer and nobody is willing to give me a chance. A piece of paper shouldn't be the end all be all to show someones worth.

Food is bland, music isn't uplifting, and I can no longer enjoy and escape reality through a video game.

Breaking down and crying is my new hobby.

They say that they care, but only if it benefits them.

If I go, they'd claim to have helped, but that's a lie. Soon after I would be forgotten...forever...

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