Los Angeles

Los Angeles

I buzz over the counter goodies, While finishing up a book, As the TV stares at me. Body piercing like those of ancient Egyptian slave prisoners fly at me. He place a thorn upon his head And slashes his wrists and rolls around In a bed of white canvas, As the blood rushes down his head. A genetically mysterious horde of specimen Dance around to beating oil drums, bleeding oil drums, Bleeding from heavy items hanging from their skin , Nipples, tongue and cheeks. The sexually oblique ritual was called upon By their preacher of performance art. However, unlike, I was not amazed, in the least at what I saw. You have to remember, I've lived in L.A for over 20 years now.

ElonHana TrueLove <hana.r.eng@gmail.com>

Thu, Jul 6, 5:19 AM

i don't think "perfection" is beyond the reach of mankind. rather, i think we as mankind just need to redefine what perfection actually is. we (as a species) need more balance between the divine Forms of masculinity and femininity (as such Forms were divinely intended... as is evidenced by in nature). 

what standards are you living under? i feel similarly though. "unconditional love" is rare in this world.

i used to read some scary books. i actually just went to the library and grabbed one by the same author i used to read (iris johansen or something). i remember being super intrigued by the spy secrets in her books (and her mom scarlett's books)

why would you eat the same dinner every night? have you heard of seasonal eating? focusing on fresh food (balanced with preserved foods of course, especially in wintet). it isn't possible to include fresh naturally grown local foods in your diet and be eating the same meals every day. 

im done having an open mind! i dont want any more gifts. i just wanna process what i already have absorbed, and be happy with my husband elon.

i find that the limits i impose on myself are actually the very things that set me free........

Benefits of vegetarian diet

Studies have shown that a vegetarian diet can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and many cancers. The risk of metabolic syndrome, such as obesity and type 2 diabetes, can also be minimized with a non-meat diet. Vegetarians also tended to have a lower body mass index, lower cholesterol, low blood pressure and lower risk of chronic diseases. Finally, vegetarianism diet protects the environment and the earth's resources and many vegans feel better and healthier.

Vegetables can be a Delicacy

Vegetarian food can be tasty. A variety of fruits, vegetables, legumes and whole grains are available for you to choose from and their combination are limitless. Whether you choose to eat this way all the time or include some veggies throughout the week, vegetables have great benefits for your health.

After all the advantages of vegetarianism have been pointed out, there are still some disadvantages that deserve our attention. For example, you must have regular checkups to make sure you're getting enough iron, zinc, protein, iodine and vitamin B12.

Also, vegetarians have a harder time in restaurants than people who eat meat (e.g., restaurants or cafeterias don't have many choices).

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