


The loot i got from the Trade Union Event.

 Large Box of Supplies:12
Medium Box of Supplies: 0
Small Box of Supplies: 1

📘Scroll of Peace 2
✒️Scroll of Engraving 6
🖋Scroll of Engraving 5
Bottle of morph 4
Bottle of Mana 3
Crimson murky potion 24
Azure murky potion 14
Bauxite 10
Metallic fiber 8
Rope 9
Magic stone 1

So thats an average of 6 items per box.

 Crimson murky potion:
3 times: Natural Talent
Weapon Mastery
Heavy Armor Mastery
Enduring Shieldbearer

Azure murky potion:
A Touch of God
Light Armor Mastery
Potion Madnes
Off-Hand Mastery
It’s a Trap!
Enlightened Warrior

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