
◄ look up ►
• буквально - посмотреть вверх:
Look up at the sky; look up, see that plane flying.
• также это значит посмотреть в словарь например:
If any of these words give you difficulty and you're not sure what I'm saying or you didn't catch what I'm saying, look them up in the dictionary or look them up online.
• что-то становится лучше:
 If something is starting to look up, it means it's starting to be more positive. So you can look up to the situation changing, or the situation is changing.

◄ look op to ►
быть как кто-то, смотреть на кого-то как на образец для подражания:
So you're looking up to someone. If you look up to someone, means you use them as a role model(образец для подражания). Usually, when you're young as a child, you look up to your parents.

◄ look down (on)
смотреть вниз на землю:
Just look down on the ground.
• смотреть на кого-то с высока:
You're a better student than they are, so you look down on them. You're making them a little bit inferior(низший, худший).

◄ look over ►
Посмотреть например за забор:
I can look over the fence and see what's going on.
Проверить что либо, например эссе:
So, for example, I wrote an essay, and before I hand it in to my teacher, I want to give it to my friend to look over the essay and make sure there's no mistakes, make sure I didn't say anything wrong or make any spelling mistakes. I just want him or her to check it.

◄ look in on ►
Присмотреть за чем-либо:
So, for example, I'm going away on vacation next week. I ask my neighbour to look in on my plants. All he has to come in, open the door, check they're still alive.

◄ look after ►
Заботится о ком-либо, не просто присматривать:
If I have a dog, I can't ask my neighbour to look in on my dog. I need more than that. I need my neighbour to look after my dog. Look after means take care of.

◄ look through ►
Как look over только тщательнее проверить:
So I want you to look through my essay, and find this or that particular thing. Look over, very quickly skim it; look for any problems. Look through, I want you to go in detail and find everything.
• Физическое действие - искать что-либо дотошно:
For example, the police, if they're trying to find a criminal, they will go... If they have a suspect, they will go to his or her house, they will look through their garbage to find any clothes.

◄ look into ►
Изучить что-то(investigate):
Our sales are not very high; we're losing money somewhere. I'm going to look into the problem. I'm going to find out what's going on.

◄ look out (for)
Осторожно! Обрати внимание!
Something is coming. I throw a baseball, I say: "Oh, look uot!" because the baseball is about to hit you in the head.
• + for - быть готовым к чему-то

◄ look around ►
Просто рассматривать что-то в магазине или где-то, осматриваться около себя.

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