

Core Concepts

When you will message the bot for the first time, it'll generate a new account for you. It is set as the defaultaccount and it's account number is considered zero.

What is Account Number?

Account number helps the bot identify the targeted account. You can see the account numbers by sending/accounts command. Account number starts with zero where zero is the default account, which is createdautomatically.

What is Short Name?

Every Telegraph account has a short name. It is not unique for each account, i.e, you can use same shortname for multiple accounts. It can be anything like your own name and can have multiple words like StarkBots. It helps users differentiate multiple accounts. It is private and only shown to you.

What is Author Name?

Author Name is shown below telegraph page's title. It is visible to everyone.

What is Author URL?

Author URL is usually a link to Author's profile, but it can be any URL. It is opened when user clicks on authorname below their page's title.

What is Page Path?

Page Path is the path to Telegraph Page. For example, path to isMy-Page-01-01. It is needed to Edit Pages or to Get Page Views.

Creating Account

Creating Account is very easy. Just send /create ShortName or /new ShortName to create one. Example/create Stark Programmer.

Creating Pages

Creating Pages isn't hard either. You need three things. The account number, page title and HTML content. Firstsend your HTML content as text message or HTML document. Then reply it with /page account_number page_title.Example /page 2 My Last Page

Managing and Editing Accounts

After creating a new account, you can also edit it's values. There are three things that are editable.

  1. /editshortname - To Edit Short Name
  2. /editauthorname - To Edit Author Name
  3. /editauthorurl - To Edit Author URL
Just pass the account number and value. Example /editauthorname 3 Sansa Stark abc

Editing Existing Pages

You can edit an existing page using the /editpage command. It is same as creating new page.

Listing Pages and Accounts

You can list your existing pages using /pages command and accounts using /accounts command. Make sureto pass the account number while using /pages command.

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