

Homebrew installation log

Last login: Thu Oct 28 18:17:11 on ttys000

apples-MacBook-Pro:~ apple$ /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"

==> Checking for `sudo` access (which may request your password).


==> You are using macOS 10.14.

==> We (and Apple) do not provide support for this old version.

This installation may not succeed.

After installation, you will encounter build failures with some formulae.

Please create pull requests instead of asking for help on Homebrew\'s GitHub,

Twitter or IRC. You are responsible for resolving any issues you experience

while you are running this old version.

==> This script will install:







==> The following existing directories will be made group writable:


==> The following existing directories will have their owner set to apple:


==> The following existing directories will have their group set to admin:


==> The following new directories will be created:















==> The Xcode Command Line Tools will be installed.

Press RETURN to continue or any other key to abort

==> /usr/bin/sudo /bin/chmod u+rwx /usr/local/bin

==> /usr/bin/sudo /bin/chmod g+rwx /usr/local/bin

==> /usr/bin/sudo /usr/sbin/chown apple /usr/local/bin

==> /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/chgrp admin /usr/local/bin

==> /usr/bin/sudo /bin/mkdir -p /usr/local/etc /usr/local/include /usr/local/lib /usr/local/sbin /usr/local/share /usr/local/var /usr/local/opt /usr/local/share/zsh /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions /usr/local/var/homebrew /usr/local/var/homebrew/linked /usr/local/Cellar /usr/local/Caskroom /usr/local/Frameworks

==> /usr/bin/sudo /bin/chmod u=rwx,g=rwx /usr/local/etc /usr/local/include /usr/local/lib /usr/local/sbin /usr/local/share /usr/local/var /usr/local/opt /usr/local/share/zsh /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions /usr/local/var/homebrew /usr/local/var/homebrew/linked /usr/local/Cellar /usr/local/Caskroom /usr/local/Frameworks

==> /usr/bin/sudo /bin/chmod g-w,o-w /usr/local/share/zsh /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions

==> /usr/bin/sudo /usr/sbin/chown apple /usr/local/etc /usr/local/include /usr/local/lib /usr/local/sbin /usr/local/share /usr/local/var /usr/local/opt /usr/local/share/zsh /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions /usr/local/var/homebrew /usr/local/var/homebrew/linked /usr/local/Cellar /usr/local/Caskroom /usr/local/Frameworks

==> /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/chgrp admin /usr/local/etc /usr/local/include /usr/local/lib /usr/local/sbin /usr/local/share /usr/local/var /usr/local/opt /usr/local/share/zsh /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions /usr/local/var/homebrew /usr/local/var/homebrew/linked /usr/local/Cellar /usr/local/Caskroom /usr/local/Frameworks

==> /usr/bin/sudo /bin/mkdir -p /usr/local/Homebrew

==> /usr/bin/sudo /usr/sbin/chown -R apple:admin /usr/local/Homebrew

==> /usr/bin/sudo /bin/mkdir -p /Users/apple/Library/Caches/Homebrew

==> /usr/bin/sudo /bin/chmod g+rwx /Users/apple/Library/Caches/Homebrew

==> /usr/bin/sudo /usr/sbin/chown -R apple /Users/apple/Library/Caches/Homebrew

==> Searching online for the Command Line Tools

==> /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/touch /tmp/.com.apple.dt.CommandLineTools.installondemand.in-progress

==> Installing Command Line Tools (macOS Mojave version 10.14) for Xcode-10.3

==> /usr/bin/sudo /usr/sbin/softwareupdate -i Command\ Line\ Tools\ (macOS\ Mojave\ version\ 10.14)\ for\ Xcode-10.3

Software Update Tool

Downloading Command Line Tools (macOS Mojave version 10.14) for Xcode

Downloaded Command Line Tools (macOS Mojave version 10.14) for Xcode

Installing Command Line Tools (macOS Mojave version 10.14) for Xcode

Done with Command Line Tools (macOS Mojave version 10.14) for Xcode


==> /usr/bin/sudo /bin/rm -f /tmp/.com.apple.dt.CommandLineTools.installondemand.in-progress


==> /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/xcode-select --switch /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools

==> Downloading and installing Homebrew...

remote: Enumerating objects: 195932, done.

remote: Counting objects: 100% (920/920), done.

remote: Compressing objects: 100% (568/568), done.

remote: Total 195932 (delta 374), reused 839 (delta 311), pack-reused 195012

Receiving objects: 100% (195932/195932), 53.72 MiB | 896.00 KiB/s, done.

Resolving deltas: 100% (144738/144738), done.

From https://github.com/Homebrew/brew

 * [new branch]   master   -> origin/master

 * [new tag]       0.1    -> 0.1

 * [new tag]       0.2    -> 0.2

 * [new tag]       0.3    -> 0.3

 * [new tag]       0.4    -> 0.4

 * [new tag]       0.5    -> 0.5

 * [new tag]       0.6    -> 0.6

 * [new tag]       0.7    -> 0.7

 * [new tag]       0.7.1   -> 0.7.1

 * [new tag]       0.8    -> 0.8

 * [new tag]       0.8.1   -> 0.8.1

 * [new tag]       0.9    -> 0.9

 * [new tag]       0.9.1   -> 0.9.1

 * [new tag]       0.9.2   -> 0.9.2

 * [new tag]       0.9.3   -> 0.9.3

 * [new tag]       0.9.4   -> 0.9.4

 * [new tag]       0.9.5   -> 0.9.5

 * [new tag]       0.9.8   -> 0.9.8

 * [new tag]       0.9.9   -> 0.9.9

 * [new tag]       1.0.0   -> 1.0.0

 * [new tag]       1.0.1   -> 1.0.1

 * [new tag]       1.0.2   -> 1.0.2

 * [new tag]       1.0.3   -> 1.0.3

 * [new tag]       1.0.4   -> 1.0.4

 * [new tag]       1.0.5   -> 1.0.5

 * [new tag]       1.0.6   -> 1.0.6

 * [new tag]       1.0.7   -> 1.0.7

 * [new tag]       1.0.8   -> 1.0.8

 * [new tag]       1.0.9   -> 1.0.9

 * [new tag]       1.1.0   -> 1.1.0

 * [new tag]       1.1.1   -> 1.1.1

 * [new tag]       1.1.10   -> 1.1.10

 * [new tag]       1.1.11   -> 1.1.11

 * [new tag]       1.1.12   -> 1.1.12

 * [new tag]       1.1.13   -> 1.1.13

 * [new tag]       1.1.2   -> 1.1.2

 * [new tag]       1.1.3   -> 1.1.3

 * [new tag]       1.1.4   -> 1.1.4

 * [new tag]       1.1.5   -> 1.1.5

 * [new tag]       1.1.6   -> 1.1.6

 * [new tag]       1.1.7   -> 1.1.7

 * [new tag]       1.1.8   -> 1.1.8

 * [new tag]       1.1.9   -> 1.1.9

 * [new tag]       1.2.0   -> 1.2.0

 * [new tag]       1.2.1   -> 1.2.1

 * [new tag]       1.2.2   -> 1.2.2

 * [new tag]       1.2.3   -> 1.2.3

 * [new tag]       1.2.4   -> 1.2.4

 * [new tag]       1.2.5   -> 1.2.5

 * [new tag]       1.2.6   -> 1.2.6

 * [new tag]       1.3.0   -> 1.3.0

 * [new tag]       1.3.1   -> 1.3.1

 * [new tag]       1.3.2   -> 1.3.2

 * [new tag]       1.3.3   -> 1.3.3

 * [new tag]       1.3.4   -> 1.3.4

 * [new tag]       1.3.5   -> 1.3.5

 * [new tag]       1.3.6   -> 1.3.6

 * [new tag]       1.3.7   -> 1.3.7

 * [new tag]       1.3.8   -> 1.3.8

 * [new tag]       1.3.9   -> 1.3.9

 * [new tag]       1.4.0   -> 1.4.0

 * [new tag]       1.4.1   -> 1.4.1

 * [new tag]       1.4.2   -> 1.4.2

 * [new tag]       1.4.3   -> 1.4.3

 * [new tag]       1.5.0   -> 1.5.0

 * [new tag]       1.5.1   -> 1.5.1

 * [new tag]       1.5.10   -> 1.5.10

 * [new tag]       1.5.11   -> 1.5.11

 * [new tag]       1.5.12   -> 1.5.12

 * [new tag]       1.5.13   -> 1.5.13

 * [new tag]       1.5.14   -> 1.5.14

 * [new tag]       1.5.2   -> 1.5.2

 * [new tag]       1.5.3   -> 1.5.3

 * [new tag]       1.5.4   -> 1.5.4

 * [new tag]       1.5.5   -> 1.5.5

 * [new tag]       1.5.6   -> 1.5.6

 * [new tag]       1.5.7   -> 1.5.7

 * [new tag]       1.5.8   -> 1.5.8

 * [new tag]       1.5.9   -> 1.5.9

 * [new tag]       1.6.0   -> 1.6.0

 * [new tag]       1.6.1   -> 1.6.1

 * [new tag]       1.6.10   -> 1.6.10

 * [new tag]       1.6.11   -> 1.6.11

 * [new tag]       1.6.12   -> 1.6.12

 * [new tag]       1.6.13   -> 1.6.13

 * [new tag]       1.6.14   -> 1.6.14

 * [new tag]       1.6.15   -> 1.6.15

 * [new tag]       1.6.16   -> 1.6.16

 * [new tag]       1.6.17   -> 1.6.17

 * [new tag]       1.6.2   -> 1.6.2

 * [new tag]       1.6.3   -> 1.6.3

 * [new tag]       1.6.4   -> 1.6.4

 * [new tag]       1.6.5   -> 1.6.5

 * [new tag]       1.6.6   -> 1.6.6

 * [new tag]       1.6.7   -> 1.6.7

 * [new tag]       1.6.8   -> 1.6.8

 * [new tag]       1.6.9   -> 1.6.9

 * [new tag]       1.7.0   -> 1.7.0

 * [new tag]       1.7.1   -> 1.7.1

 * [new tag]       1.7.2   -> 1.7.2

 * [new tag]       1.7.3   -> 1.7.3

 * [new tag]       1.7.4   -> 1.7.4

 * [new tag]       1.7.5   -> 1.7.5

 * [new tag]       1.7.6   -> 1.7.6

 * [new tag]       1.7.7   -> 1.7.7

 * [new tag]       1.8.0   -> 1.8.0

 * [new tag]       1.8.1   -> 1.8.1

 * [new tag]       1.8.2   -> 1.8.2

 * [new tag]       1.8.3   -> 1.8.3

 * [new tag]       1.8.4   -> 1.8.4

 * [new tag]       1.8.5   -> 1.8.5

 * [new tag]       1.8.6   -> 1.8.6

 * [new tag]       1.9.0   -> 1.9.0

 * [new tag]       1.9.1   -> 1.9.1

 * [new tag]       1.9.2   -> 1.9.2

 * [new tag]       1.9.3   -> 1.9.3

 * [new tag]       2.0.0   -> 2.0.0

 * [new tag]       2.0.1   -> 2.0.1

 * [new tag]       2.0.2   -> 2.0.2

 * [new tag]       2.0.3   -> 2.0.3

 * [new tag]       2.0.4   -> 2.0.4

 * [new tag]       2.0.5   -> 2.0.5

 * [new tag]       2.0.6   -> 2.0.6

 * [new tag]       2.1.0   -> 2.1.0

 * [new tag]       2.1.1   -> 2.1.1

 * [new tag]       2.1.10   -> 2.1.10

 * [new tag]       2.1.11   -> 2.1.11

 * [new tag]       2.1.12   -> 2.1.12

 * [new tag]       2.1.13   -> 2.1.13

 * [new tag]       2.1.14   -> 2.1.14

 * [new tag]       2.1.15   -> 2.1.15

 * [new tag]       2.1.16   -> 2.1.16

 * [new tag]       2.1.2   -> 2.1.2

 * [new tag]       2.1.3   -> 2.1.3

 * [new tag]       2.1.4   -> 2.1.4

 * [new tag]       2.1.5   -> 2.1.5

 * [new tag]       2.1.6   -> 2.1.6

 * [new tag]       2.1.7   -> 2.1.7

 * [new tag]       2.1.8   -> 2.1.8

 * [new tag]       2.1.9   -> 2.1.9

 * [new tag]       2.2.0   -> 2.2.0

 * [new tag]       2.2.1   -> 2.2.1

 * [new tag]       2.2.10   -> 2.2.10

 * [new tag]       2.2.11   -> 2.2.11

 * [new tag]       2.2.12   -> 2.2.12

 * [new tag]       2.2.13   -> 2.2.13

 * [new tag]       2.2.14   -> 2.2.14

 * [new tag]       2.2.15   -> 2.2.15

 * [new tag]       2.2.16   -> 2.2.16

 * [new tag]       2.2.17   -> 2.2.17

 * [new tag]       2.2.2   -> 2.2.2

 * [new tag]       2.2.3   -> 2.2.3

 * [new tag]       2.2.4   -> 2.2.4

 * [new tag]       2.2.5   -> 2.2.5

 * [new tag]       2.2.6   -> 2.2.6

 * [new tag]       2.2.7   -> 2.2.7

 * [new tag]       2.2.8   -> 2.2.8

 * [new tag]       2.2.9   -> 2.2.9

 * [new tag]       2.3.0   -> 2.3.0

 * [new tag]       2.4.0   -> 2.4.0

 * [new tag]       2.4.1   -> 2.4.1

 * [new tag]       2.4.10   -> 2.4.10

 * [new tag]       2.4.11   -> 2.4.11

 * [new tag]       2.4.12   -> 2.4.12

 * [new tag]       2.4.13   -> 2.4.13

 * [new tag]       2.4.14   -> 2.4.14

 * [new tag]       2.4.15   -> 2.4.15

 * [new tag]       2.4.16   -> 2.4.16

 * [new tag]       2.4.2   -> 2.4.2

 * [new tag]       2.4.3   -> 2.4.3

 * [new tag]       2.4.4   -> 2.4.4

 * [new tag]       2.4.5   -> 2.4.5

 * [new tag]       2.4.6   -> 2.4.6

 * [new tag]       2.4.7   -> 2.4.7

 * [new tag]       2.4.8   -> 2.4.8

 * [new tag]       2.4.9   -> 2.4.9

 * [new tag]       2.5.0   -> 2.5.0

 * [new tag]       2.5.1   -> 2.5.1

 * [new tag]       2.5.10   -> 2.5.10

 * [new tag]       2.5.11   -> 2.5.11

 * [new tag]       2.5.12   -> 2.5.12

 * [new tag]       2.5.2   -> 2.5.2

 * [new tag]       2.5.3   -> 2.5.3

 * [new tag]       2.5.4   -> 2.5.4

 * [new tag]       2.5.5   -> 2.5.5

 * [new tag]       2.5.6   -> 2.5.6

 * [new tag]       2.5.7   -> 2.5.7

 * [new tag]       2.5.8   -> 2.5.8

 * [new tag]       2.5.9   -> 2.5.9

 * [new tag]       2.6.0   -> 2.6.0

 * [new tag]       2.6.1   -> 2.6.1

 * [new tag]       2.6.2   -> 2.6.2

 * [new tag]       2.7.0   -> 2.7.0

 * [new tag]       2.7.1   -> 2.7.1

 * [new tag]       2.7.2   -> 2.7.2

 * [new tag]       2.7.3   -> 2.7.3

 * [new tag]       2.7.4   -> 2.7.4

 * [new tag]       2.7.5   -> 2.7.5

 * [new tag]       2.7.6   -> 2.7.6

 * [new tag]       2.7.7   -> 2.7.7

 * [new tag]       3.0.0   -> 3.0.0

 * [new tag]       3.0.1   -> 3.0.1

 * [new tag]       3.0.10   -> 3.0.10

 * [new tag]       3.0.11   -> 3.0.11

 * [new tag]       3.0.2   -> 3.0.2

 * [new tag]       3.0.3   -> 3.0.3

 * [new tag]       3.0.4   -> 3.0.4

 * [new tag]       3.0.5   -> 3.0.5

 * [new tag]       3.0.6   -> 3.0.6

 * [new tag]       3.0.7   -> 3.0.7

 * [new tag]       3.0.8   -> 3.0.8

 * [new tag]       3.0.9   -> 3.0.9

 * [new tag]       3.1.0   -> 3.1.0

 * [new tag]       3.1.1   -> 3.1.1

 * [new tag]       3.1.10   -> 3.1.10

 * [new tag]       3.1.11   -> 3.1.11

 * [new tag]       3.1.12   -> 3.1.12

 * [new tag]       3.1.2   -> 3.1.2

 * [new tag]       3.1.3   -> 3.1.3

 * [new tag]       3.1.4   -> 3.1.4

 * [new tag]       3.1.5   -> 3.1.5

 * [new tag]       3.1.6   -> 3.1.6

 * [new tag]       3.1.7   -> 3.1.7

 * [new tag]       3.1.8   -> 3.1.8

 * [new tag]       3.1.9   -> 3.1.9

 * [new tag]       3.2.0   -> 3.2.0

 * [new tag]       3.2.1   -> 3.2.1

 * [new tag]       3.2.10   -> 3.2.10

 * [new tag]       3.2.11   -> 3.2.11

 * [new tag]       3.2.12   -> 3.2.12

 * [new tag]       3.2.13   -> 3.2.13

 * [new tag]       3.2.14   -> 3.2.14

 * [new tag]       3.2.15   -> 3.2.15

 * [new tag]       3.2.16   -> 3.2.16

 * [new tag]       3.2.17   -> 3.2.17

 * [new tag]       3.2.2   -> 3.2.2

 * [new tag]       3.2.3   -> 3.2.3

 * [new tag]       3.2.4   -> 3.2.4

 * [new tag]       3.2.5   -> 3.2.5

 * [new tag]       3.2.6   -> 3.2.6

 * [new tag]       3.2.7   -> 3.2.7

 * [new tag]       3.2.8   -> 3.2.8

 * [new tag]       3.2.9   -> 3.2.9

 * [new tag]       3.3.0   -> 3.3.0

 * [new tag]       3.3.1   -> 3.3.1

Checking out files: 100% (2714/2714), done.

HEAD is now at 241dd2ce2 Merge pull request #12340 from Rylan12/install-from-api-tap-names

==> Tapping homebrew/core

remote: Enumerating objects: 1074995, done.

remote: Counting objects: 100% (196/196), done.

remote: Compressing objects: 100% (114/114), done.

remote: Total 1074995 (delta 117), reused 146 (delta 82), pack-reused 1074799

Receiving objects: 100% (1074995/1074995), 437.61 MiB | 814.00 KiB/s, done.

Resolving deltas: 100% (739156/739156), done.

From https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core

 * [new branch]   master   -> origin/master

Checking out files: 100% (6193/6193), done.

HEAD is now at 043b65bc46f terraform: update 1.0.10 bottle.

==> Downloading https://ghcr.io/v2/homebrew/portable-ruby/portable-ruby/blobs/sha256:0cb1cc7af109437fe0e020c9f3b7b95c3c709b140bde9f991ad2c1433496dd42

######################################################################## 100.0%

==> Pouring portable-ruby-2.6.8.yosemite.bottle.tar.gz

Warning: You are using macOS 10.14.

We (and Apple) do not provide support for this old version.

You will encounter build failures with some formulae.

Please create pull requests instead of asking for help on Homebrew's GitHub,

Twitter or any other official channels. You are responsible for resolving

any issues you experience while you are running this

old version.

==> Downloading https://ghcr.io/v2/homebrew/core/ca-certificates/manifests/2021-10-26

######################################################################## 100.0%

==> Downloading https://ghcr.io/v2/homebrew/core/ca-certificates/blobs/sha256:1bbd45c16a0b9912174c553a6d7ae1b67b11abbe

==> Downloading from https://pkg-containers.githubusercontent.com/ghcr1/blobs/sha256:1bbd45c16a0b9912174c553a6d7ae1b67

######################################################################## 100.0%

==> Pouring ca-certificates--2021-10-26.all.bottle.tar.gz

==> Regenerating CA certificate bundle from keychain, this may take a while...

🍺 /usr/local/Cellar/ca-certificates/2021-10-26: 3 files, 208.5KB

==> Installation successful!

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- Run `brew help` to get started

- Further documentation: 


apples-MacBook-Pro:~ apple$ 

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